Author's Note

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........................Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd we are done with this book!

I really do hope you liked it :)

Also, you shoud know, that this book, formerly known as "Love" was changed into series called "Always Yours" on November 20, 2014.

So, the next story in the series will be called "All Over Again."

You can also call it sequel, but it is Book 2 in any case. Plus, I would like to thank you all for reading, voting, commenting and being the most amazing Rushers ever. :)

I love you all. seriously I do.

Now for the second-to-last notice: Can you guys do me a favor and spread/tell your friends about this story? This doesn't have many reads, that's not the problem at all. I'm proud of what I did. I just want a few more people to read it. 

NOW! For the last thing.

I am working on "All Over Again" on my notebook right now, I've got five chapters completed already. Of course they will be longer than the chapters in this book had and, as I said before, will make more sense than this did. Anyway, that's not the thing.

The thing is, that I will not start writing the story till another few weeks. Because I have a story that I will start writing tomorrow. It's called Wizards Vs. Angels .

Please check that out too, okay? Thanks for taking the time to read this horrible tale! :)

- Kisa xxx

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