Chapter 19: All Good Things Must Come To An End

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How's it goin'? Good? Good! ;)

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[Still In Kendall's POV]

Our lips moved in perfect sync, sparks flew, it felt so amazing...but of course, as always, good things must come to an end. At that moment, BANG. Someone knocked on the door, and we broke apart.

I quickly got up and opened the door a little. Mom.

"Yeah?" I asked

"I heard your friend, Kim, is here. Do you guys want something?" She asked

Seriously Mom? You interrupted something really important!

"Er, no mom. We don't need anything. We're just practicing for the Winter Talent Show." I told her.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt." She smiled

I smiled back. Where was I? Yeah, kissing the girl of my dreams.

I sat back down, put my arm around her back and leaned in again.

She leaned back in too, I kissed her, soflty and slowly, better than before....DAMMIT! The door.

I pulled back, sighed and got up again, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me back down. "I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened." She whispered.

"Why not?" I asked

"I ju-just don't know. I don't think I'm ready. I'm sorry Kendall." She looked down.

She thinks she isn't ready. So? I'll wait till she's ready. No problem.

She got up and walked to the door. "Hey Kevin, I'm just leaving." She told him.

"Oh really? Hey, you barely got here!" He said

Seriousy Kevin? You are the fucking reason she's leaving.

I glared at him and he looked innocently back. Yeah right. I know he did that on purpose.

"I'll walk you to the door, Kim." I said putting an arm around her back.

I lead her down, but stopped in the hallway. I looked down at her. "You just said that, didn't you? You weren't going to leave. You pulled back because Kevin knocked, you weren't going to go, right?"

She looked back up at me again. She seemed to be thinking hard. Then, I was caught totally off guard, she got on her toes and pecked my lips.

She pulled away, gave me a small smiled and walked out.

I heard Kevin coming downstairs. Should  I murder him? I think so. Wait, Mom'll murder me for that.

I guess all good things must come to an end....

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