Chapter 5: Big Time Crush

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Kim's POV 

* Next Day *

Following my everyday routine as always, I got to school 15 minutes before the bell and roamed around the courtyard with Rebecca as she jabbered on about how hot, cute, sweet and smart Logan is.

But no matter what she said, my thoughts were still on Kendall.

His bottle green eyes, his perfect smile, his floppy dirty blond hair that is always resting on his forehead, and there's something soothing about his voice.

And just yesterday, when he had kissed my cheek, my whole body had gone hot.

"Kim! Are you even listening?" I heard my friend say.

"Wh - yes! I got it, girl. Logan is pretty hot, why don't you go hang out with him?" I said pointing to the other side of the courtyard.

"What? How can I hang out with him?! I feel so shy!"

I giggled.

"Becs, you weren't shy when you were watching him like a hawk yesterday at lunch!"

"I was - was I?" She asked

"Yeah! It was as if you coudn't see anything but him!"

"Do you think he likes me?"

"He must, he was smiling at you the whole time."

"So, er, what about you and Kendall?"

"What about us?" I asked blushing and looking away.

"He -" She was cut off by Kendall who had just come jogging over to us.

"Hey guys!" He smiled holding out my notes.

"Hey!" We smiled back.

"Thanks Kim. You take great notes. How about lending me your Maths notes too?" He asked leaning in a bit and smirking.

I rolled up my notes and smacked his chest.

He laughed and jogged back to the guys.

I smiled and we continued to walk.

"You gave him your English notes?" Rebecca asked raising her eye brows.

"Yeah. So what?" I asked smiling

"Kim, you arent supposed to do that! What if some other guy asked for your notes? Woud you give it to him?"

"Look, he hadn't taken notes, and he asked for them  so I gave them to him and why woud someone else want my notes? And why would I give them to him?"

"Why did you give them to Kendall?"

"Because friends look out for each other."

"Since when did you and Kendall become friends?"

"Since the time you and Logan sat next to each other."

"We did not! There was no other seat."

"Oh really? Logan was already standing near you when Kendall asked to sit down with us."

"That was his fault. I didn't ask him to sit next to me."

"But you wanted him to."

She blushed.

"Yeah, whatever."

I laughed.

"Hey, can you do me a favour?" She asked

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