Chapter 6: Big Time Protector

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So, I just found out that BTR isn't over and that the boys are already planning TWO more tours, so that just honestly got me so happy, my heart is leaping around like a bull that's just seen a meter-long piece of red cloth. :P

Enjoy. :)


Kim's POV

~ After School ~

I sighed as finally I walked out of the boring grey building and sat down on a bench in school grounds.

I'm a good student, but that doesn't mean I have to have the time of my life in chemistry. I absolutely hate the fucking subject. I doubt anyone even understands what Mrs. Johana is saying most of the time. Nobody get more than a B+ on tests.

The autumn breeze blew around and I saw Emily with Carlos. Say what?

I squinted. Unable to believe that Emily was hanging out with Carlos.

Not that it's a bad thing. Carlos is sweet, and funny. pretty, but she's kind of a snob.

I was waiting for the bus when I saw Logan and Rebecca. Honestly, these two are so clicking.

They didn't even sit with the rest of us during lunch.

Speaking of which, Ashley broke up with James. They'd been fighting a lot recently, so she just dumped him. Bitch. James is a great guy!

I did see Kendall at lunch. He was messing around as usual. Meaning, checking out passing girls, but not really commenting on their figures as he usually does.

I smiled as I saw Logan gently kiss Rebecca and moving away towards his little sister, Presley, and taking her back home.

"Hey Kim!" Rebecca said as she saw me.

"Hey. I see you're having a good time." I smiled

"Yeah." She said as her eyes went out of focus.

"Rebecca!" A voice shouted.

Rebecca jerked her head in the direction of the gates.

It was her mom.

"Well, see you around, Kimmy." She waved.

"See ya Becs." I waved back

Another few minutes passed and then a gruff voice called my name.


I looked around.

It's my ex. Stephen Jameson. {A/N: Okay, that is direct out of The Tomorrow People! xD}

"What Stephen?" I asked in a would-be-casual voice

"I see you haven't dumped the blond yet." He said smirking

"Excuse me? Which blond are you referring to? I'm not going out with anybody."

"Oh yeah, right Kim. As if you can hide stuff from me."

"Fuck off Stephen." I said rollingmy eyes and getting up to move away from him.

"Hey!" He slapped my hips. "Where're you off to?"

"How dare you?! Let me go!" I shouted

He grabbed my wrist and squeezed it so tightly I felt it going numb by the second. I screamed.

Kendall's POV

I walked down the steps and heard a girl screaming. I looked around.

Bloody hell! It's Kim.

I ran over to her and pulled her away from the guy who was trying to, I don't know, sprain her wrist?

"Look who it is!" He said looking up at me.

"What the hell are you doing? Leave her alone!" I said pulling Kim away from him.

"What's your problem?" He asked

"I don't have any problem. But you seem to have tons."

"The only problem I have, pretty boy, is that you're hanging out with my girlfriend." He said jabbing his finger in my chest with every two words.

"W-what? Kim, is he your boyfriend?" I asked her

"Of course not! We broke up six months ago!"

I turned to Stephen.

"Leave her alone, and get going." I said jabbing my thumb towards the gates.

"Since when do you tell me what to do, huh?" He punched my stomach.

"Kendall!" Kim screamed.

I stood up again and punched his face, his lip began to bleed. He touched it, and looked up at me again. He pushed me and fell. He got on top of me. I rolled over and my knuckled collided with his jaw, forming bruise there. I got up from him as he stood up himself. He kicked my shins, and I bent over just as I saw Kim run over and tried to push Stephen away.

"What on earth is going on here?!" A voice said

Everyone turned.

It was Vice Principal Roy.

"Jameson, Schmidt, Detention!" He said

Kim's POV

"W-what?! But Principal Roy it wasn't Kendall's fault! Stephen started it! Kendall was just trying to protect me!" I told the bald man in front of me.

"I saw it too, sir! Stephen touched Kim, and then started punching Kendall!" I heard James say.

"You stay out of this, Mr. Maslow. This does not concern you." He said not even looking at him.

"Well, same goes for you Ms. Hadley. I saw you fighting as well." He told me.

"Schmidt, Hadley, follow me. And as for Mr. Jameson! You are suspended for the next two months and I want to see my parents in my office tomorrow morning 8:30 sharp." He turned away.

Kendall and I glanced at each other then grabbed our bags and followed him to study hall.

"Thanks for protecting me, Kendall." I said on the way.

"I'll always protect you, Kim" He said smiling.


Awwwww. (:

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