Chapter 11: Walks

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I'm happeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! LOL

But is chapter isn't so happy. :\


I don't believe it. I just kissed Kendall.

Like, Holy Cow I kissed him. Kendall of all people! Who else did you want to kiss? Now isn't the time.

What has got into me?

Oh, gosh. I was in my room. Staring at the ceiling. I shook my head into the pillow and waited for sleep to come, and thank fully, it did.

The next morning, I woke up feeling kind of elated. I mean this wasn't normal. I'm not a fan of Maths for first period. But who is, though? Einstein? 

I pushed myself out of my bed and messily folded up the covers and straightened the bed sheet. I went to the bathroom down the hall, carefully as not to make too much noise, did my business and randomly took some clothes out of my closet. I got dressed and by the time I went downstairs, mom was up and breakfast was ready. I gulped down the Honey Loops and walked to school.

As I was walking, it hit me why I was feeling happy when I woke up. Kendall. The kiss. But I shouldn't be happy. Should I? I mean, yes I should be, because it was in a way my first one, but hell I'm not good with this stuff!

"Hey Kim!" Rebecca called from far away

"Oh. Hey Becs." I said glumly, looking up.

"What's wrong?"

"I kissed Kendall!" I blurted, without even thinking about it.

"Excuse me? Come again?"

"I- I kissed Kendall." I blushed

"No way! How was it?!" She asked, excitedly.

"You don't understand, Becs. I feel guilty. Like, I shouldn't have done it."

"Why the hell would you feel like that?"

"I don't know." I mumbled

"First time?"




"You'll grow into it. How was it, though?"

"Amazing." Because it was. His lips were so soft, and it was magical how he could make me forget what was happening around me. I smiled, thinking of his lips again.

I heard laughter, then footsteps coming closer.


I looked up. Kendall.

"Walk with me?" He asked

I looked fearfully at Rebecca. She smiled and nodded in an encouraging manner.

I sighed then turned to Kendall and nodded.

We walked around the vast courtyard.

"How are you?" He asked

"Good. You?"


"About yesterday..."

"I know." He said looking down and ruffling his hair. "I meant it." He said looking up again.

"So did I."

"So, what's wrong?"

"I- I don't know."

He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

We kept walking, not saying a word.

Then the bell rang. He kissed my cheek and ran off.

I smiled.

"Maybe it was just because I've never done this before. I like him. He seems to like me too. I shouldn't fuss. He's the love of my life. Anything for this guy." I thought and walked off too.

Maybe walks do help you to clear your head...


Feedback? I need it. :)

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