Chapter 23: Stalker

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Sorry for the late update. I know I updated chapter 23 a few days ago too, but that one was so definitely not good. Anyway, here's the new one, and I hope you like it! :)


Kim's POV

I woke up to find my face still pressed against Kendall's chest. I felt so much better now. I hugged Kendall a little tighter, but right at that moment, his eyes flickered open and he groaned.

Heck! Have I transferred my sickness to him?!

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Babe." I added under my breath.

He smiled. "No, I was just feeling a little hot." I smiled back and flicked on the fan. He got out of bed and threw on his shoes. "Where's the bathroom?" He asked.

"Down the hall." I told him and as he walked out, I sprinted to the mirror and fixed my hair. I heard the toilet being flushed, and then his reflection coming closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rubbed his cheek against mine. I relaxed against him, as he said.

"How're you feeling?"

"Pretty good. You?"

"What was wrong with me?" He asked.

"Well.." I said slowly and he released me and leant against the dresser and crossed hisa rms. He looked SO cool. "You were all dewy-eyed over all you girlfriends leaving you..." I said trying not to smirk. He smiled.

"Shut up. I was being honest." He said

"I know you were. I've watched you since the second grade. I know all of your girlfriends never stayed for moe than a week or were nothing but blond bitches. Well, except Lucy Hale in the seventh grade. She wasn't a bitch or a blond. Wow, I feel like a stalker." I said.


Short chapter.....Sorry! :)

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