Chapter 24: Back To School

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Haven't posted in a while. Sorry!


Kendall and I had dinner with mom, and turns out mom thinks of Kendall as her own son. And I was treated to a long girl-talk after he left. So, all in all, mom has no problem with me dating Kendall. That is, if we were dating. Which I keep constantly reminding her, and also,  she reuses to accept the fact that Kendall is, or ever was, a bad boy. She rolls her eyes and says he’s a total gentlemen, only due to the reason that he knows how to cook and he had made Cheese Rolls to prove it. He’s trying to butter her up or something.

With everything back to normal, or as normal as it can be, I walked through the school gates on a beautiful Tuesday morning and immediately spotted Rebecca, Logan, James and an upset-looking Carlos. I walked over to them. “What’s up guys?” I asked and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the same blond checking him out.

I think her name is Alexa or something. She was on the cheer leading team with me last year. I left the team, but I don’t know if she did, whatever.

“…And then she broke up with me.” Carlos finished explaining. He and Emily had gone to the circus too and she had seen some guy and broken up with Carlitos on-spot. Carlos is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met! I now, officially hate that girl.

“Don’t worry, Los. She didn’t deserve a great guy like you.” I told him and glanced at Alexa again. She was still looking at him. “There’re lots of great girls out there. You’ll find someone way better than her.” I smiled.

“Thanks Kim.” He smiled back, just as Kendall came jogging over to us. I looked at everyone. Are we really that easy to spot?

“What up people!” He said cheerfully.

“Woah, you’re in a good mood.” I said.

“Is that a bad thing? Fine.” He said and made a said face. I laughed as I remembered that day when I had done the exact same thing.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled back at him.

He turned to the others. “So, who’s blondie?” He asked looking over at Alexa.

“Er, just a sec.” I said to the others and pulled him away by his shirt. “Blondie’s Alexa Vega. I’ve seen her checking Carlos out a lot lately.” I told him.

“And you couldn’t tell me that in front of everyone because..?”

“Because, you idiot, Carlos just got out of a relationship, and if we tell him that a girl is checking him out, and by his panicky and innocent nature, don’t you think he’ll panic?”

He scratched his chin. “Maybe.”

I shook my head at him and he took my hand in his. He smiled and began walking. I gripped his hand as we walked around in a circle around the school yard. Talking about unfinished homework assignments, the talent show, our costumes and final rehearsals coming up this Friday and then the Talent show next Saturday. It felt so easy to talk to him. He was such a good listener. As the bell rang, signaling the start of lessons, he kissed me cheek again. “See you at lunch!” He said and ran over to join the guys who were heading to the Math Department.

Kendall is so sweet. I like everything about him. His blond hair, his green eyes, his thick eye brows and the weird things he does with them. I smiled to myself as I heard a snap that interrupted my thoughts. Rebecca. Ugh, really? Did you seriously have to interrupt?

“Welcome back to school, Ms. Hadley. English?”

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