Chapter 14: All Messed Up

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Today feels sooo long!!!! (>.<)


Kendall's POV

There she is.

She was talking to Rebecca, but she just walked off with Logan.

"Hi Kims."

"Hey Kendall. What's up?" She asked happily.

"You sound happy."

"Is that a bad thing? Okay."

She made a sad face and I couldn't help but laugh.

She smiled too.

"So, what're you up to tomorrow?" I asked

"Nothing much. Why?"

"I just wondered if you wanted to go to the circus with me, Logan and Becs."


"Woah!" I said taking a step back. "Did I say something wrong or offensive?"

"No, no, no. It's just- Rebecca asked me to go to the circus with her and Logan too."

"Wait- what?! Logan asked me to go with them too!"

"Are they trying to set us up?"

"I wouldn't mind being set up with you." I smirked

"Eh, whatever. But still, come on. Why?"

"I don't know. We make a cute couple. I mean, we have lots of things in common. Like, both our names begin with a "K" and we both love cheese pizzas, we love animals, we have er, we uhmm. I've run out of things we have in common." I finished sheepishly.

"OOPS!" I heard a yell.

Rebecca's POV

OMG Kendall and Kim are talking! What if they talk about going to the circus?!

"OOPS!" I yelled out my thoughts.

"All messed up?" Logan asked.

"Yeah." Kim and Kendall said together walking over to join us and raising one eyebrow each.

"Yeah." I answered slowly as they all laughed.

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