Chapter 28: Kim's Surprise

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Kendall’s POV

“Kim Hadley!” A voice interrupted just when I was about to tell her the most important thing ever. I hadn’t noticed, but the music had stopped. Principal Rose was standing on the stage with the performing band. Kim let go of me and smiled and walked up to the stage.

“Hey guys.” She said into the mic. “This song is for my best friends, Logan Henderson, Rebecca Black, James Maslow, Jherica Holland, Carlos Pena, Alexa Vega and my boyfriend, Kendall Schmidt. You guys have supported me all through the year, and I just can’t believe that this is probably the last time we’ll ever see each other. And I don’t want to let go of all the memories just like that. I want to remember those moments forever. I just - I wanna make this last night with you guys special. So, here goes…”

And then she began to sing. It was perfect. It described our relationship perfectly. It described ‘The SK8’ perfectly. It described us perfectly. It spoke to me. It told me- things. Things I don’t have to say out loud. I knew what she was trying to say. And I knew, that really, there really is No Need To Say Goodbye…


Sorry guys this is crappy and you probably hate me right now. But this just a filler chapter, doesn’t really help with the rest the of the story, but I wanted to make a total of 30 Chapters and this was necessary. Sorry!

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