Chapter 36.

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Nikki's POV

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" I yelled. "I brought her here so you guys can help! Now she doesn't remember our entire fucking relationship!" I yelled.

"This isn't uncommon with the trauma she went through." The doctor replied.

"Well, when is she gonna get her memory back?!" I yelled.

"It's hard to tell, she may get it back, or she may not–"

"She may not?!" I cut him off. "What kind of fucking hospital is this?! We were on track, we went through hell and back together and now she doesn't even fucking know me!" I yelled.

"You could bring in stuff that could help jog her memory. Pictures, songs, scents, foods. It's not impossible that she could get her memory back." He said.

"I shouldn't have to do that shit in the first place! I'm going to sue your sorry asses!" I yelled.

"Nikki, come on, man." Mick said. "It's not his fault," he added on.

"Like hell it isn't! I'm going to sue this place, I'll ruin your fucken career for ruining my Carly's life!" I yelled.

Mick grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the doctor. "I'm not finished with him! That fucking asshole!" I yelled.

"Sixx, come on! You can't yell at the doctor. What if Carly hears? She won't wanna be around you for sure." Mick said as we walked to the waiting room again. 

"This is fucking bullshit!" I yelled as I sat down in the chair.

"I agree, you have every right to be frustrated. But, screaming at the doctor won't give Carly her memory back." He said.

I sighed. He's right. I put my head in my hands and sighed. We were on track, she said she loved me. That took months to finally get her to bring down her walls. I'm devastated. I finally find a girl that I actually love and enjoy being around and it gets taken away from me.

"What am I going to do?" I asked and lifted my head back up. "She doesn't even wanna be around me." I said.

"Try not to come on too strong, bring pictures, scents. Talk to her about all the stuff you guys did together. You never know, it might jog her memory." Mick replied.

I nodded. "Okay. I'm going to get a cab back to our hotel and get some stuff." I said.

I brought the bag into Carly's room and sat down next to her bed.

"Hello." She greeted me.

"Hey," I said and smiled. "The doctor said I should bring stuff that'll jog your memory. Is that okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, please." She replied.

I opened up the bag and pulled out a bottle of Jack. "This is the drink we had our first time together." I said. "Smell it. You hated the smell." I added on with a chuckle.

She sat up fully and took the bottle. She sniffed it and scrunched her nose up. I chuckled.

"Oh god. I drank this?" She asked.

"Yeah! I'm sure if you took one sip, it wouldn't be bad. Maybe it'll jog your memory." I replied.

She took a sip of it and coughed. I laughed a little and she giggled. "Holy shit. That's horrible." She said with a laugh and handed it back to me after closing it again.

"Did it jog anything?" I asked as I put it back in the bag.

"It smells and tastes familiar but, it's not triggering any memories." She replied.

"Hey, that's okay. It's gonna take some time, babe." I said.

She smiled. I brought out some Polaroid pictures. One of us kissing, one she took of me while laughing and the one I took of her.

"These pictures are when we first started our relationship." I said and handed them to her.

She took the pictures and smiled. "You look really cute in that picture." She said and pointed to the one of me laughing. "I've always loved that smile." She added on quietly.

My eyes went wide. "You have?" I asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Yeah.. I have!" She said excitedly. "I remember I've always loved your smile. That's it, though." She said.

"That's great, though!" I exclaimed.

I pulled out the white shimmery eyeshadow she put on me that day and the eyeliner.

"These are when you did my makeup for a show." I said and handed them to her.

She smiled and put the pictures down in her lap. She picked the makeup up and looked at it.

"If you want, you can put them on me again. See if that does anything for you." I said.

She smiled wide. "Yeah! I'd love to see these on you." She replied.

I smiled and got up. I sat down on her bed and she started to line my waterline with black eyeliner. I smiled when I heard her giggle.

"Remember. Keep your mouth open like I said, it'll prevent you from blinking–" She froze. "Oh my god! I remember doing this with you!! I remember that whole night! It was right before one of your shows!" She exclaimed.

I smiled wide. "You really remember??" I asked.

"Yes! You lifted me up when I wouldn't give back the picture of us kissing!" She replied.

"Oh god, that's amazing, baby girl." I said.

Her cheeks heated up and she smiled and looked down. She still reacts the same when I call her that. We're getting back to what we used to be. I can feel it.

"Hey." I heard someone say.

I turned my head and looked over at the door. No, no, not him. Not now. We're getting somewhere and he's going to ruin absolutely everything.

"Oh my god, Derek!" Carly exclaimed happily.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye🧸)

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