Chapter 2.

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Carly's POV

Finally, the show's over. I walked into the dressing room and saw most of the boys out of their stage clothes. They just threw the stage clothes on the floor. I groaned quietly and walked over to start picking the clothes up. I picked up Tommy's and Vince's and hung them up. I picked Mick's clothes up and hung them. Now, the person I'm dreading. I walked over towards Nikki and picked up his stage clothes from the floor.

"Hey, Bambi." Nikki said. I gave him a confused look. "Fawn? That is your last name, right?" He asked, smugly. I rolled my eyes. I caught gaze of his bare torso. He has a tattoo on the upper right part of his chest, from my angle, it's the left side. He's so skinny, it's insane. "Aw, you have a crush on me?" Nikki teased. My face heated up.

"N-No, I just noticed ho-how skinny you are." I replied and walked back to the clothes rack.

"I'm not super skinny!" He said. I heard footsteps from behind me. I sighed and turned around. "I look fine." He said. He stands so much taller than me, he's so intimidating to be around.

"You're too skinny, it's probably from the drug use." I pointed out. "You really shouldn't do that to yourself, you're gonna die." I said and grabbed the clothes rack and started to walk out of the room.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!" He said loudly. "You don't know me, you know nothing about me! You're just some nobody who got lucky enough to go on tour with someone like me!" He shouted. I froze and looked at him. I felt my body heat up from being publicly embarrassed like that. I'm a nobody? Wow, people really weren't lying when they said he's a hot head.

I didn't reply. I just shook my head and quickly ran out of the room, I dragged the clothes rack to the bus and then quickly started to walk to my bus. I looked around. Why is the only bus that's here is Mötley's?

"If you're wondering where your bus is, they already left. You took too long. You'll have to ride with the Crüe." One of the people by the bus with the equipment said. "Good luck, they're hell." He said and walked away.

I shook my head. I can't be around Nikki any longer. I felt tears sting my eyes. He called me a nobody, how dare he? He doesn't know me, all he knows is my name. Which, he made fun of me for. Why is such a fucking asshole? I didn't realize I was crying until I sniffled. I felt my cheeks, they're soaked. I don't know why I let little things like that get to me, but I do. I'm sensitive and I have severe anxiety, and Nikki doesn't make those things any better for me.

I walked into their tour bus and Mick was already there. "I-I have to ride with you guys, I-I lost tr-track of time and m-missed my bus." I said quietly, struggling through each word. It feels like I have to pull the words out.

Mick gave me a small smile. "You're welcome here anytime. Just go into the back area. The boys won't bother you there." He said. I smiled as a thank you and quickly walked back there and shut the door. I sat down on the bed back there and sighed in relief to finally be by myself.

"Why the fuck is Bambi here?!" I heard Nikki yell from the other side of the door. I felt the anxiety in me build once again. I can already tell that he absolutely hates me. I mean, I never expected to be best friends with these guys, but I thought they would at least be friendly. I shouldn't have thought that because now I'm disappointed. I felt the warm tears run down my face again. I hate that Nikki's words are still getting to me.

The door opened and I quickly wiped my tears away. "Hey– Woah, are you crying?" Nikki asked. Of course, it's Nikki. Just my luck. "Why're you crying?" He asked. I shook my head and sniffled. "Well, you're obviously crying because of something. What's up, Bambi?" He asked and shut the door. Great, now we're alone together. He sat down on the couch in the room, across from me.

"I-I'm just being stupid." I struggled to say. "I-It's really n-nothing." I added on and wiped the remaining tears off my face. I'm sure my face is all red from rubbing it and wiping the tears. I know I look even worse than before.

We sat there in silence for a while, just me silently crying, even if I tried to stop it, it was almost like that made me cry even more. I hate being so weak and pathetic. I cry over everything, it's my worst quality. I just cry at anything that makes me even the slightest bit upset.

"Is it because I called you a nobody?" Nikki asked, breaking the silence. I sniffled and finally looked up from my lap. He no longer looks angry at me or annoyed. Actually, he looks almost concerned? Why would he be concerned with someone like me? A nobody.

I opened my mouth to say no, but the words wouldn't come out. I shut my mouth and wiped the tears off my cheeks again. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what comes over me sometimes." He said. "You don't have to say it, I know that's why. I was an asshole to you." He added on.

"Thank you, I accept your apology." I said, almost a whisper with how quiet my voice is. Nikki stood up and sat next to me. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around me and gave me a very uncomfortable and weird hug. I returned the hug. "Are you not good with showing affection?" I asked as we released from our, "embrace" or whatever you could call that.

"Well, I am when I hardly know someone." He replied. I nodded and he stood up. "Okay, I'll let you be. You can come out with the rest of us if you want." He said and walked out, shutting the door on the way out.

I laid back in the bed and sighed. Well, now I'm kinda confused. Nikki was actually really nice to me. Well, nicer than the stories I've heard and way nicer than how he was just a little while ago in the dressing room. Maybe he does have a soft side? Either way, I don't care to find out. I still don't trust him, I'm honestly kinda afraid of him. I sighed once more and shut my eyes, I'm tired of thinking about this stuff.

(A/N: I'm making this story more realistic to how Nikki was in the 80s, nice one second and then angry for no reason the next, I'm sorry if you don't like that but, that's how he actually was in the 80s🤷🏼‍♀️Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye🧸)

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