Old Flame

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Interviewer: So, what next for you guys, Love, Marriage, and Divorce were a huge success and congrats on the Grammy win!, and with that being said; will there be another Joint Album?

~Blank stare, waiting for the someone to respond~

Babyface: um maybe we do something separate and come back for part two.
Toni: Yea( connecting eye with Kenny for a long questionable stare)
Interviewer: Yes, You heard it here first!, another Solo Album from the Legends and then Love, Marriage and Divorce Part 2. Well thank you guy again and hope to hear from you; don't be a stranger.


Toni and Ken cut eyes and walk away...

Kenny was the bullet and Toni was the gun.
She shot her shot, but he did the damage. His mind was against his heart and his heart was against his mind.

Which one will he follow?

This my first Watt pad story so bear with me ❤️
Please comment your opinions, thoughts, what you think going to happen, what should happen, allllll thattttt.
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