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Nicole: I knew it! I knew it!
Babyface: Nicole Stop, you about to wake Peyton up!
Nicole: Since when do you care about Peyton?
Babyface: what the hell you do you mean when I start to care about my own daughter?
Nicole: you sleeping around with Toni, breaking up our relationships, not only with me but with your child! How do you think your daughter will feel that her daddy is sleeping with her auntie, cheating on mommy, making mommy sad-
Babyface: (sigh) Nicole, I'm sorry-
Nicole: Sorry, ain't going to fucking cut it- ditch the bitch!
Babyface: Nicole, we have the rest of the tour left to do-
Nicole: I don't care, Ken, your family isn't important enough?
Babyface: Nicole, it Business
Nicole: that wtf you told me before and here I see you kissing Toni! No telling what you did before that!
Babyface: I'm didn't mean to-
Nicole: Kenny, I not about to say it again, ditch the whole tour and Toni or me and Peyton is gone!
Peyton: mommy-daddy?
Nicole: go and tell her Ken!
Kenny: Nicole, don't make a scene- Peyton go back to bed.
Nicole: tell her Kenny- how you going to leave us.
Peyton: Daddy you leaving?
Nicole: yes! Your daddy doesn't love us anymore.
Kenny: Nicole, don't you say that!-Peyton go to bed-daddy will be up there in a min.
~Ken followed Peyton to her room~
Peyton: Daddy you leaving me?
Kenny: no, I will never ever leave you...
Peyton: promise?
Kenny: I promise, now do me a favor and go to sleep.
~Meanwhile Nicole destroying the kitchen~

"Fuck You, Kenny, I knew you were with her"! Kenny grabs Nicole forcing her to keep her composure, "Can you chill out for a min?"As he Struggling said while she fights back."Fuck you and that bitch" while hitting and slapping Kenny across the head. "Nicole chill out" while pinning Nicole arm against the refrigerator door. "Why are you doing this to me, after I sticking by your side for years, how could you leave us...what did I do!" As she continues to cry for an answer but left unheard.

~Meanwhile with Toni~

"Toni it's ok to let it out" while Towanda rubs her back as she stares out the window at the beautiful moon. "It's all my fault" as she sadly said. "Toni why you keep blaming yourself". "I knew the man was with her, I knew they were engaged and I continuously throw myself at him" as she spoke her last word she glances at Towanda only to shed a tear of regret. "Toni...".
" nah Towanda don't comfort me with lies, I did it and now I got a baby by a married man like I wasn't raised right".

Silent fill the room, the party is over and so was ToniFace.

"Imma head home to catch a nap and I guess I will see you in a week or two" as Toni grab her coat and walk slowly out the door. "Oh and Happy Birthday your an angel in my life,  I don't know where I will be if I didn't have you Towanda, goodnight" as she smiled. "GoodNight Toni" as Towanda sigh knowing Toni is really hurt.
" I'm not going to leave my family!" Kenny interrupts in the midst of Nicole tears. " I'm sorry Nicole, it was a mistake from the beginning and I promise to not leave you or Peyton" as he softly kisses her cheek.
Nicole knew Kenny's weakness was a broken heart woman and his child, she knew what, when and how to get what she wanted out of him, he had no courage as a man to get what he wanted.

Nicole and Kenny hug passionately while Kenny shed a regretful Tear.

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