LMD|Cape Town

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~Third show is the third charm! LMD tour is hitting the charts higher and higher!, but Toni ran into a little complication with her health, so will they have to cancel their upcoming show in Cape Town?
Manager: hello how's Toni feeling?
Towanda: Not too well...
Manager:(sign) do you think she will pull through on tonight show?
Towanda: idk can you give me an hour to make that decision, she sleeping right now.
Manager: I will see what I can do, you know the ventures are booked on other performances, so if we pull out, that's money out their pocket because they could of book those slots, but let me see what I can do; meanwhile she has to try to pull through
Towanda: ok I will give you a call...
Manager: Alright, is Babyface there?
Towanda: Babyface? Why would he be here??
Manager: well...you know they-
Towanda: I don't...
Manager: well ok, I'll talk to you later..
~phone hung up~
~1-hour pass by~
Towanda: Toni...Toni... you have to wake up just for a min.
Toni: Towanda I don't feel so good today.
Towanda: so would you like me to cancel the show?
Toni: oh I totally forgot about tonight...
Towanda: yea?
Toni: don't cancel imma try to get myself up.
Towanda: Toni I feel you should just cancel, don't try to push yourself, just get some rest.
Toni: no no no, I don't want to disappoint anybody and my fans and Kenny.
Towanda: Toni I think you have to put your health first, you battling a very dangerous illness.
Toni: Towanda, I already decided, now help me up.
~Babyface knocks on the hotel door~
Towanda: who is it?
Babyface: Kenny
~ Towanda processed to open the door but she steps out to conversant with kenny~
Babyface: what's going on?
Towanda: Toni really sick right now and she trying to perform and I don't think she's able to but she not listening to me.
Babyface: let me speak to her.
Towanda: ok imma goes downstairs to get some coffee.
Babyface: ok call the manager and cancel the show tonight.
Towanda: ok ok...
~Babyface enter while Towanda exists~

Toni: Towanda! Can you get me some orange juice and my shoes, so I can get ready?
~ Babyface got the orange juice that was on in the freighter and processed to put it in a glass~
Toni: Towanda, tell them I will be downstairs in 20 mins.
Toni: Towanda answer me!
~ Babyface walks in the bed room~
Babyface: you not going nowhere.
Toni: Ken!
Babyface: mhm, turn right around and get back in bed.
Toni: Kenny I'm alright.. why you here?
Babyface: cause I know everything, Ms. Braxton.
Toni: I'm fine
~ Toni fell over the bed~
Babyface: Toni!
~Babyface sat the cup down and lift Toni onto the bed and she busts out laughing and could believe she really wasn't fine~
Babyface: girl...what funny
Toni: the way I fell for you and how my angel came to save me.
Babyface: yea-you don't feel so well, you talking poetically now.
Toni: I'm fine...
Babyface: just go to sleep Toni, damn...
~toni just fell asleep in the comfort of Ken arms~

~ring ring ring~
Tonwanda: hello
Manager: Hey, how's Toni, can she pull through?
Towanda: yea, no the show cancel she really sick and can't pull through...
Manager:(sign).....alright, I will be calling you back to see how we could make this show up.
~hung up~
Manager: alright y'all gather around I have an announcement!!
Manager: the show tonight is canceled due to Toni sickness, so I need everyone to pack up and get going.
Band member: aw man...
Singer: dang I wasted my makeup...
Manager: aye Aye.... it alright, Toni health comes first and she's the star so what she says goes... pack up goodnight.
Manager: Nicole?
Nicole: Hey, I'm here to surprise Kenneth.
Manager: oh I'm sorry the show cancel for tonight.
Nicole: aw dang ok, you know where I can find my man?
Manager: yo man? I thought-nvm I don't know where he is but he staying at the Midnight Hotel.
Nicole: you thought what?
Manager: oh nothing...
Nicole: ok, well I guess I see you later then.
Manager: bye(smile).

~Nicole riding to the hotel to surprise Kenny~

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