|HeartBreak Party| 1

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~The party just start and guests has arrived.
Babyface and his lady was there, all the sisters had arrived ready to serve tea and Toni nowhere to be found~

"Yass Towanda Serve That Body," Tamar said so proudly loud. "She went all out for her little 40th birthday," Traci said so cockily.  "Jesus Traci shh" while Tamar nug her.

The crowd of people scream and shout Towanda name. Everyone was there, guest like Kevin LeSean, Bruce Bruce, Tiffany Hadish.

"There Goes Kenny" Tamar said while approaching him. "Don't go over there Tamar, I think Toni and Kenny got into it" while Towanda pulling Tamar's arm. "Let me at least say Hi to the man".

"Hey Tamar" while his arm is wrapped snuggling around Nicole. "Well, Hello Lovebird" with a smart tone.
"Hi Tamar, how are you?"I'm doing fine Ms.Edmo-Nicole" with a smart smile on her face."Oh yes! It's Mrs.Edmonds" with a checkmate grin.
"Oh, Y'all Got Secretly Married?" before Nicole answer Towanda bud in the conversation."Hey Guys" interrupting the uncounted.

"Hey Towanda, Happy Birthday here's just a little gift from Me and Nicole" handed Towanda a small box. "Oh you didn't have to but thanks you guy" before hug was exchanged Tamar was heated.
"So! Nicole was just telling me they are already married" arms crossed with attitude.

"Oh wow really! No big Wedding?" while Towanda cocks her head looking a Ken.
"We sigh the paper but don't worry we going to have the big wedding and everything," Nicole said while taking Towanda eyes off Kenny.
Kenny just stood there with a grin on his face knowing he wants to say something but didn't want to embarrass Nicole.

Before thing went left Towanda grabs Tamar and processed to enjoy the celebration
"That some bullshit," said Traci. "Toni knows what was going to happen, why blame the man" while Trina sips tea. "Be a little sensitive Trina, the man may be filling up Toni ear with lies, we just don't know" while pulling out a chair for Tamar.
"Speaking of Toni, where the hell is she," said, Tamar.
"I don't know" imma call her up, she was supposed to be here," Towanda said while pulling out her phone."Are you sure you want her here to see this" while Traci spilled the champagne.

~The number was already dial but before the 3rd ring someone picks up the mic to sing a special song for the Birthday Girl~

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Towanda,
happy birthday my darling...
Toni surprises everyone, walking down the aisle with a short red dress, hair pin-up and serving body with a very small baby bump.

" Toni you made it! " while jumping on Toni.
" Of course! today your big day and here's something I got for you"

Toni places a small bracelet into her hand that crafted " Best Sister Ever-Toni". "Thank you, Toni! I love it" while holding it tightly and whispering something in Toni's ear. "Come with me into the back"

~Toni and Towanda headed to the back in a private room to talk~
Meanwhile with Nicole and Kenny

"Why you lie and tell them we're married?" while he leans over covering his mouth. "Why not" with a stank tone. " it documentation and if you lie and they catch the lie, it could turn into something that it doesn't need to be". "First of all, nobody should be in my marriage, my business, nun of that" roughly said while walking off the grab some punch.
"Toni is there something you need to tell me?"  While Towanda closes the door softly to avoid any noise. "No why" with a small chuckle. " you look a little" tipping her head to the side. "Pregnant?" Said Toni.

Silent filled the room, Towanda didn't know how to feel or what even say and as well as Toni.

"I...I" Toni said so stumbling. "Do Kenny know" raising her left eyebrows. "No, I haven't talked to him in about 2 in a half week". " Their here tonight".

Before Towanda could continue Toni cut her off with an " I don't wanna talk to him tonight, this is your day and we're here to celebrate you". "I understand Toni but Nicole here also" while being so heists to say. "That suppose to mean something?" said with a cocky attitude.
"Damn Toni, can you wait here for a second" as she proceeds to the door. "Wait... can I have your jacket?"

Towanda gave Toni her jacket to cover up her baby bump. Towanda was so over the lies and being secretive.

"Tamar! have you seen Kenny", "yea Towanda he over there with his...wife".
Kenny was sitting at the table looking a bit worried and irritated. "Hey Ken, you spoke to Toni" knowing that he didn't. "No, she here?" with excitement in his eye but had to play it cool. "Yea" she wanna speak to you, follow me.

Towanda thought it would be right to have them have a conversation with one another to clear the air.
They walked into an empty room only to see Toni looking out the window at the perfect star view.

I wanted to try a different format of writing, tell me if I nail it or I need work, I'm still learning how to nail the emotional part as well as described setting.

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