|HeartBreak Party|2

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"Why is He here Towanda" as nervousness settled in her eyes. "Y'all both need to stop procrastinating, lying, blaming and take accountability of both y'all action and move on or move over". "What did I even do, is my whole question?" As Honesty settled into his face.
"It not what you did, it what you didn't do, you have no courage as a man, you make all these songs about love and you marrying someone your not even in love with!, and then play the victim like I broke your heart when I moved on in life and!-

Before Toni could finish he quickly walked up and grab her face, locking lip and invading Toni and finally took control of what he really wanted.

"I in love with you Toni Michele Braxton...for a very long time, I thought I could get over you but I couldn't resist being around you, I love your smile.... the way your nose tense up when you mad... like right now(chuckle). As a smile broke through her Teeth. "The way you place your hand on your stomach when you sing, Oh don't even get me started with your voice; God your voice is heaven on earth and I wanna hear it every day...when I wake up before I go to sleep with you being by my side."

Toni knew Kenny was in love with her just by his action but actually hearing the beautiful word come out of his mouth was like A box of love giving to her soul.
"Y'all are so cheesy" as Towanda shouted out to the two holding each other. "I love you too Kenny"
" So, Are you going to show the surprise, Toni?". Toni was about to show Kenny but A Surprise but a Guest walks into the room.

I knew it, I Knew It, Y'all are Pathetic"!
"Nicole!" Kenny shockingly said."Are you serious Ken!" While approaching Toni, "Back up don't touch me Nicole", said Toni. Babyface got in between Toni and Nicole stoping Nicole from touching Toni. "Kenny get your hands off of me!". "Listen, Nicole-while trying to comfort her to calm down.
"Are you seriously comforting her Kenny?" said Toni.
"Yes bitch, I'm his fiancé meaning... soon to be wife, something you're will never be and I don't give a damn if you're Toni Braxton!" while trying to get at Toni. "Nicole let's go home," said Kenny, while picking her up to leave. " Kenny fuck you" Toni could be heard by everyone, all the sister rushed in to see what was going on.
"What happen!" Traci yelled seeing Nicole so hostile.
"Your sister kissing on my husband- and Kenny get off of me!" As he let her go but still remain by her.
"Is he your husband or your fiancé?" Traci said while spilling her vodka as she a little tippy. "Why you checking Toni, you should be checking Kenny," Tamar said so aggressively.
"Ok everyone please calm down and let's talk like adults" Towanda was alway the peacemakers between everyone.

In the midst of this whole argument, Kenny and Toni just starring at each other having a whole conversation with the threat of Toni's eyes. Toni couldn't believe after everything he said he still standing by Nicole.
Toni whispers"I hate you so much" as she said so passionately broken. "Do you mean that" Kenny whispers back.

Hate is a strong word, even stronger when the person you love says it so passionately to you. It broke Kenny heart when Toni said it, what even harder is feeling the hate.

"More than ever," Toni said so softly.
"Nicole let go!" as he grabs her forearm and storms out the back door.

How could A Beautiful moment go sour so quickly,
" Are you ok Toni" as Towanda hug Toni from the side. " make everybody leave the room" Toni so heatedly said. Towanda told the sister to leave and let Toni get some alone time to herself.

~Toni was left in an empty room feeling empty inside~

"Everything was just perfect...just a sec ago," Toni said to herself as she balled up her fist only to release it to wipe her tears(sigh).

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