Steve Harvey Morning Show

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~Show after Show wanted to interview Toni Braxton and BabyFace, so many requests but some had to turn down due to overwhelming. However, the one that they couldn't turn down was the "Steve Harvey Morning Show".
Nephew Tommy: Today we some special guest- BabyFace and Toni Braxton!
Toni: Hello There...
BabyFace: Good Morning...
Nephew Tommy: oh man, Legend!
~Toni and BabyFace laugh~
Toni: before we get started where Mr.Steve?
Nephew Tommy: He-There he goes walking in now...
Toni: Uncle Steve...
~Steve greeted Toni and BabyFace in a rush because time was ticking~
Steve: my bad for being late shit, I woke up late...
Toni: (lol) it all good...
Steve: But, Love, Marriage, and Divorce!
Nephew Tommy: That's that grown folk music, right there...
So you guy are on your second go around with your LMD tour, why again?
Toni: it was highly requested...
~room fill with shocking laughter~
Nephew Tommy: I know that right, she said highly requested.
Steve: Good Morin, Good Morin-This the Steve Harvey Morning Show 96.3 Fm, and today we have two legends, BabyFace, and Toni Braxton and we about to play a little game, called Love them or Leave them.
Nephew Tommy: We going to describe a scenario and you Toni or BabyFace will either say love them or leave them and explain why.
BabyFace: Oh,oh.. y'all trying to start some.
Toni: Yea, y'all on to something.
Nephew Tommy: Love, Marriage, Divorce quiz, and Ms.Unbreak my heart and Mr. Tender Love, we got to put you guy up to the test.
Toni: Alright let's go...
Nephew Tommy: ok, horrible sex?
Toni and BabyFace: leave them!
~they look at each other and start laughing~
Nephew Tommy: well damn, explain...
Toni: horrible sex is like a horrible mistake, you always remember it.
~everyone cracking up~
BabyFace: Ditto
Nephew Tommy: ok ok, what about cheating?
Toni: depends...
Babyface: depends on what?...
Toni: depending on how you define cheating...
Babyface: how do you define it?
Toni: having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse.
BabyFace: Hmm...
Toni: How do you define it?
BabyFace: when you do things you would never do, if your spouse was in the same room.
Toni: well then, you cheat all the time...
~the room went silent and they cut to question from fans through the radio~
Nephew Tommy: well ok snitch, welcome to the Steve Harvey morning show, we are taking questions, call 708-5732-hart.
~BabyFace was starting at Toni through his shades, Toni tried her hardest to get over what she accidentally said~
Steve Harvey: Hello there, you are on the line with Steve Harvey Morning Show, what your name and where you from?
Caller: Ahhh, omg, Hi-my name is Brandy from Queens-New York.
Toni: hi brandy
BabyFace: Hey, what's your question?
Caller: Hey Guys, my question is for You too both, If you in a relationship with someone and you fall in love with someone else and the relationship never became physically, but it became an emotional relationship is that a form of cheating.
Toni: It depends...right Ken?
Toni: I believe that a form of cheating, actually I rather for you be physical with someone instead of emotional.
Nephew Tommy: really?
Toni: Absolutely!...because men can have sex with a female and feel absolutely nothing. Leave a tip at the door and bounce, but when it emotional, it's feeling attach,  you can't stop dealing with the person, almost like a drug, you have to have them and once my feeling involved, I love you inspire of what you do.
BabyFace: you right to a certain extent, men love too, and men have felt just as much as women, we just don't cry and talk about it all day like women do.
Toni:(smirk on her face) but we both agree to it a form of cheating?
BabyFace: yes
Toni: ok then....
~weird silent once again~
Nephew Tommy: alright let's take another caller.
Steve: Hello there, you are on the line with Steve Harvey Morning Show, what your name and where you from?
Caller: aye Good Morning this is Damon, calling from Chicago.
Steve: Hey man, what your question?
Caller: This a personal question for BabyFace and Toni- will you both every get married again?
BabyFace: I'm getting married, later this year...
Steve: Oh, congrats...
BabyFace: Thank you.
Caller: what about you Toni?
Toni:(sign) I don't see myself getting married again...
Nephew Tommy: why Toni?
Toni: I'm not going to marry for stability and you know I have Lupus and honestly speaking...I feel nobody wants someone who always sick and have to go to the hospital every week.
Steve: damn Toni...
Toni: seriously, I watch how men act around me, it all about the money and what they can get and I'll be damn!
BabyFace: you have to be hopeful and be patient, he will come.
Toni: next question...(looking sharply At BabyFace )
Steve: Toni you read my book?
Toni: parts of it.
Steve: you should read the rest and I talked about how to find love again and get over heartbreak but to cut it short, like BabyFace said to be patient and he will come.
Toni: I hope so cause.. either this going to be my last Marriage or my first murder cause I ain't playing games no more.
~everybody bust out laughing~
Nephew Tommy: Alright y'all, tell us what going to be different this second go around of the tour?
BabyFace: It a bigger production, following with Guest singer such as SWV, Charlie Wilson and more...
Toni: We also doing more V.I.P meet & greets and after party's for the fans and lastly give away.
BabyFace: Basically more of everything.
Steve: Well There you go everyone, LMD ticket are on sale now, get them while you can, anything else you would like the fans to know.
BabyFace: Check out a solo project from the both of us after the Tour.
Nephew Tommy: Well there you go! Thank you BabyFace and Toni Braxton for your time and make sure y'all make y'all way back over here once those solo album drop.
Toni: we will, thanks for having us.
BabyFace: Thank you.
Please comment your opinions, thoughts, what you think going to happen, what should happen, allllll thattttt.
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