|Morning after Next|

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Nicole: Good Morning Kenny...
BabyFace: Good Morning Nicole
Nicole: would you like breakfast?
BabyFace: nah, I'm not feel Breakfast today.
Nicole: ok well, I'm leaving today, I would of stay for the show tonight but Peyton got a doctors appointment first thing in the morning. Do wanna do something before I leave(bit lip)?
BabyFace: No...I have a huge headache Nicole, imma try to sleep It off.
~Nicole sat beside the bed~
Nicole:(sigh) What the problem Kenny, ever since this tour started you been acting differently.
BabyFace:(sigh) I'm just trying to figure everything out, the tour, wedding and-
Nicole: Toni-
Babyface: what?
Nicole: I see the way she looks at your Ken...
Babyface: Toni like my little sister-
Nicole: I maybe a lot of things but one thing I'm not is stupid...
Babyface: never call you that-
Nicole: but I do understand business come along with her...
Babyface: listen, Nicole... you have nothing to worry about, we're getting married, we have Peyton and this she knows this...
Nicole: Alright, I trust you(peek lips)
Babyface: now, can I get some rest?
Nicole: sure, I'm going to go down the lobby to get some coffee.
Babyface: alright...
~knock knock~
Babyface: (sigh)
~knock knock~
Babyface: Who is it!
~knock knock knock~
Babyface: damn, who is it!
~Bang Bang~
~Babyface jump up to get the door and there was Toni head leaning against the wood~
Toni: well Good Morning sleepy head.
Babyface: wassup Toni?
Toni: here you go with these mood changes.
~Toni processed to walk in his room while he goes into the refreaiger~
Babyface: Toni what you talking about.
Toni: nothing, where's wifey?
Babyface: downstairs to get some coffees...
~Toni pop gum~
Toni: hm, she staying for tonight show cause I'm going to get loose tonight.
Babyface:( chuckles) nah she has to the doctor tomorrow.
Toni: everything alright?
Babyface: someone cares?
Toni: I'm not a vicious person, but just wanna know is the lady ok...
Babyface: oh, everything fine, Peyton got a doctor appointment tomorrow morning.
Toni: oh ok, well let me get going before wifey comes in(bit lips).
~Toni leaves~
Babyface: lord why I'm feeling the way I feel...

~10 o clock was approaching and rehearsals were at 12, Nicole and Kenny eventually went to have at breakfast before Nicole has to leave and Kenny had to go to rehearsal~
~ Somerset Breakfast~
Waiter: Yes, How many?
Nicole: just the two of us.
Waiter: ok, follow me, booth or table.
Babyface: um we will take a booth.
Waiter: Alright, here's the menu and I will be back shortly to take your order.
Nicole: thanks
~meanwhile Toni stay back into the hotel to catch up on things~
~knock knock~
Toni: coming!
~Toni had some sexy lingerie with her hair tied up and open the door and seen Towanda~
Towanda: Toni!
Toni: ooo I'm so sorry... come in
~Toni hurry up and cover up and try to change the subject~
Toni: so, what time the rehearsal again?
Towanda: I can't with you, what got into you, Toni?
Toni: nothing, um wassup why you here?
Towanda: I'm just here to do a wellness check-
Toni: girl!
Towanda: nah but you have rehearsal at 12 and i have a surprise for you tonight! So, wear something cute...
Toni: what is it?
Towanda: just be ready...
Toni: alright...

~meanwhile with Kenny and Nicole~
Kenny: Nicole, I know I haven't been( scratching head) I guess normal, but I got a lot going on, in my mind just bare with me.
Nicole:(nod head)
Waiter: anything I can get for you guys
Babyface: just the bill
Waiter: Alright, just give me one sec
Nicole: Toni-
Babyface: don't ask me a question about her ...
~Nicole was silent, staring at Kenny while he continued to eat~
Nicole: well my flight leaves in a minute, so I guess i got to get going.

~Nicole process to kiss Kenny but all he did was peck her lip~
Babyface: you leaving from the hotel?
Nicole: my driver outside, did you listen to anything I had to say while we drove here?
Babyface: I'm sorry, let me walk you out...
~Babyface paid for breakfast and process to walk Nicole to her cab~
Nicole: Find a cure before we walk down the aisle, I want my man back
Babyface:( smiles) call me once you make it home.
Nicole: alright...
11:30 hits


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