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"Are you pregnant?" Kenneth blurted out. Toni's eyes widen for a brief second before she hid her expression."What? Why would you ask me that?" She tried to seem as if she was offended by his question. He shook his head and stood up.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked again this time more firmly."Kenneth-" He held up his hand.
"Answer the question Toni, are you pregnant? Yes or no?" He asked a little more annoyed. She sat up slowly and sighed."Kenny I-" He groaned.

"Answer the fucking question!" He shouted scaring Toni."Yes! Yes, I am Kenneth, damn!" She shouted back as tears filled her eyes. Kenneth paced the floor back and forth.

"I knew it! I knew I wasn't crazy." He mumbled to himself. She looked up at him a little perplexed.
"What do you mean?" He stopped his movements.
"I noticed your belly was poking a little in a dress you had on, you gained more weight, you still look good as hell though. Anyways, you didn't want to take your shirt off and you didn't want me to go anywhere near your stomach. That's why you stopped me earlier, isn't it?" Seeing that she had no way out, she confessed.

"Yes, Kenny..." She replied lowly.
"At first I thought it was maybe your Lupus flaring up or something but then you threw up and you never do that when your Lupus acts up. You always take your shirt as well and I always kiss all over your stomach too." Detective Kenneth kept going on and on with facts. Toni sat quietly as he rambled on. Finally getting tired of him talking, she cut him off.
"It's yours." She mumbled. Kenneth kept talking but suddenly stopped realizing what she said.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked staring at her. Her head was down for another second before lifting it up.
"I said, it's yours." She announced louder. Kenneth chuckled softly while shaking his head.
"Toni stop playing games." He laughed but Toni didn't.

"Do I look like I'm playing Kenneth? I'm three months and the baby is yours." She confessed with an attitude. Before Kenneth could respond, his phone rang. It was his wife. He answered and listened before responding and hanging up.
"I have to go." He said softly. Toni frowned.
"So you're just gonna leave?" Tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"Toni, she's my wife. I have to go, if I don't she will suspect something." Toni rolled her eyes and looked away from him. He tried to touch her but she pushed his hand away.

"Toni-" She held her hand up in his face.
"Just go, leave." She mumbled trying not to cry.
"Don't be like that, we'll talk soon. I promise." Toni didn't respond, she simply ignored him. Sighing in defeat, he gathered his things and left.

At that moment, it was pure silence as Toni broke down all alone in her dressing room, still trying to make every excused for his actions.

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