|Wendy William Show|

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Eventually, the whole Tour got cancel and broke the headline. Wendy William team found out and broke the news first!

"Love, Marriage, and Divorce Canceled" I wonder who fault it is? While Wendy messy ass stirring the pot.
As Toni watches from her living room with popcorn falling on her 2-month pregnant belly.

"ugh, I hate everything about this". Toni quickly flipped the tv only to get bored and turn it completely off as she stares at the ceiling fan, "Sign".
"Nicole my manager called me this morning" while he stuffs a fork of pancakes in his mouth. "Yea and" with a little aggression. " I'm am obligated to do this performance with Toni or I will be getting sued, since we- well I pulled off from the tour" Kenny sat back into his chair staring at Nicole showing his seriousness. " well... do the show, then Kenny".

Kenny felt so much emotional but couldn't understand what emotional his was feeling but he knew he just wanna see how she look after two months of the ignored phone call, text and emails, he just wanna see how she doing.
Knock knock
"Who is it" as Toni creeps up at the door. "It's your sister Towanda, now let me in" while she stumbles through the door with groceries. "Well, thanks for calling Towanda". "Toni you look..." contemplating should sheToni she look a hot mess(in Tamar's voice).
"Listen Towanda, I'm pregnant, fat, and depressed, all three combined don't look good" while she grabs a  big tub of ice cream out the freezer. "Toni, don't say that!" As Towanda lit the stove up to cook some breakfast.
"Anyway, Toni, how to been doing- by the looks not too well" saying while she cooks up some eggs and waffles.

"I'm just been doing me, the boys live with her dad now, which is best since there are boys so they need to be with their Dad; but I'm just here alone since the tour canceled" Toni rubs her aching tummy.
"Toni you have to eat healthy, that's why your stomach hurts". "Your right Towanda pass me some eggs".
"Imma makes you some, sunny size up but while ima making them...I have to tell you something" Towanda eyes ease off the stove to Toni.
" What is it".

"Well, you know the UNFC awards show coming up, right". "Yes and" as she stuffs her mouth with pancakes. "You and Kenny were supposed to perform but since you pull out so quickly and they already promoted you both; they either want you guy to perform or host, they want their answer by tomorrow night". " how about either" as Toni scrap her plate into the garbage. "Toni you have to do either or- or you will be facing legal problems".

That was the last issue Toni needed right now since the tour cancel and money not flowing how it used too.

"Um let me think about it". "Alright, Toni Imma let you think about it for 10 min but I need the answer Tonight!" while being sarcastic."Speaking of Kenny, have you talk to him?"
"Nope" as she said so quickly
"Toni, do you think the man needs to know about the baby, I mean I understand it's your body but you need to at least tell him". "Towanda I'm so stressed out about this tour, my health and also my baby and to tell a married man I'm about to have a baby is the last thing on my list".

Toni was too focused on what everybody going to say or think about her. So she wanted everything to remain a secret until she had everything figured out."Alright, Toni, you can't wait forever, but however, when is your next Doctors Appointment?" as she puts away and washing dishes. "Actually today around 3, can you come?".

How could you tell Toni no?
2:30 was approaching so Towanda and Toni stop by to get a bit to eat and head to her doctor appointment.

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