LMD|Durban Night

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~Toni and BabyFace were making their way out of the party when a familiar face caught Babyface eye~
BabyFace: Denise?
Denise: Hey, you too...
BabyFace: What brought you by?
Denise: you...
BabyFace: I'm confused
Denise: like always ( touch Ken's cheek and walk away)
Toni: who was that?
BabyFace: my ex..wife...
~she was anonymous to the world but they were married and divorced all in the year of 1980~
Toni: you're ex-wife, you was married twice?
BabyFace: Long story, it doesn't play a factor in my life anymore, let's move along...
~They both got into their limo and was 30 mins away from the concert and the ride to the venue became silent~
Toni: What was them goody-two-shoes comment about relationships was about, with Steve?
BabyFace: What was that dry snitching comment about...
BabyFace: Toni don't start...
~They both face each other and bust out laughing because BabyFace knew when Toni was in an argument mode~
Toni:(lol) What are you talking about(touching his knee).
Babyface:( sucks teeth) you know what you doing.
~They finally made it to their concert and had 10 mins to get their self together and Toni was up first, they kiss a "friendly" peek and separated.~

Toni: I get so high...
When I'm around you babe, I... can touch the sky...
You make my temperature rise!
~The crowd was going insane and it was time to switch scene into BabyFace segment but when Toni was leaving, BabyFace grab her hand and had to say a few words about Ms.Braxton~

BabyFace: Before Toni leave, I just want to say a few words about this little lady, she had encountered a lot of up and down as I watch her career, but one thing I could say is, she a very strong women and I am so happy I could be a part of her amazing story. So Toni... let's take it back to the 90s and give me your heart...


Your love so exciting, boy I can't deny it..
since you found a place in my heart...
givin' me a feel,ooo, so it such a feeling...
I pray that we never apart...
How can I explain it...
Please hear what I'm saying...
You bring so much joy to my life...
words cannot express...
so much happiness...
I'll forever be by your side...
~Babyface join Toni in the chorus~
Toni and Babyface: And I will give you my heart...
and I will always be true to you...
and I will love you forever...
if I could just make love to you...
~after that beautiful song, Toni kiss Ken cheek and left the stage~

Babyface: where y'all the single ladies tonight?
~ladies cheering and screaming "woah"~
Babyface: y'all know I got that whip appeal...
~crowned went crazy~
Babyface: somebody told me...
there'd be trouble at home...
'Cause we never talk a lot...
When we spend time alone...
The crowd went crazy, Toni couldn't believe women were throwing themselves at Ken~

~Babyface signal Toni to come onto the stage and help him end the show with a bunch of love and safe traveling~
Babyface: Goodnight Y'all
Toni: drive safe, We love you...
~after a long day of partying and performing, they were tired, so they decide to take a 3-day break between tour and get themselves together~

Toni: Aye Ken, you wanna get away for a few days?
Babyface: I got a studio session with Bobby Brown and a few more artist, sorry I can't.
Toni: oh it's ok, I'll just see you in a few days for our concert.
~Babyface get into this distant mode to where he wants to be alone, Toni felt when the vibe change and Toni decide to stop waiting on his heart an
to pop up at his studio tomorrow just to see what he on~

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