Tour Tour Tour

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Managers: Good Morning everyone, LMD is back on the chart after a whole year!
~clapping, congrats, cheering floated the room~
Manager: Toni and BabyFace, even though the album was put out last year, Africa had been requesting you guys non-stop. So y'all will be back on tour for 20 more dates through the months of February~May, you also have to do a few interviews promoting the tour, and your upcoming Solo Projects. So take the time to really push your solo project through the Hype of LMD.

~BabyFace and Toni shake head~

Assistant: WOW!, the album still popping after a whole year; if this ain't legendary idk what is.

~BabyFace chuckle, but once he looks up at Toni, she swipes his smile right off his face with just a blank stare~

What happens?
What Toni so press?
What happens to Toni and BabyFace friendship?
Was it a friendship or More?

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