|Rehearsals Rage|

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Manager: Alright everyone, let take it from the top-where the hell is Toni...and Babyface!
Towanda: Toni hurry up, we already late.
Toni: I'm coming, I can't find my shoe.
Towanda: I got it! Meet me in the car.
~Towanda wasn't waiting any longer and left Toni in the room while she finishes getting the rest of her things~
Toni: damn wait, I don't like walking barefoot!
Towanda: I'll be in the car! (while walking out)
~Towanda was processing to the car and walk past a familiar face but not too familiar to call out~
~Knock knock~
Toni: Damn Wanda you making us late, even more, playing with the door-
~Nobody was there~

~It was just bracelets that craft an angel with wings crack in the middle, Toni thought it was the most beautiful thing ever~
Toni: Aw Kenny...
~Toni was exiting the hotel and Towanda was nowhere in sight~
Toni: where the hell is she, her, everybody? I'm damn near 30 mins late, I'm by myself(sign)...Kenny!
BabyFace: sorry I'm late
Toni: it ok cause I'm late too(lol)...
BabyFace: let's go before everybody be mad at us...
~ride to rehearsal~
BabyFace: Toni makes a left...
Toni: I know where I'm going...
BabyFace: no you don't, cause you just miss you exited.
Toni: my bad...you make me nervous...
BabyFace: I don't know why-where you get that bracelet from!
Toni: damn calm down!
BabyFace: where you get it from Toni!
Toni: It was in a box outside my door, that you gave me right?
Toni: right? Hello...
BabyFace: nothing, we're here...
Toni: Kenny(touch arm) what's the problem?
BabyFace: nothing we are an hour late and....let's just go
~Later on~
Manager: where the hell y'all been!
BabyFace: traffic was hectic! (smile)
Manger: 20 mins left of rehearsal, everybody gathers around let's just at least go through one round!
Toni: Towanda Braxton!, where she?
Manger: she not here, let's go! or more money has to be put down for space booking.

~Kenny was on clout 9 about that damn bracelet, it symbolizes the cruel past that he had with his first marriage with Denise, how the Angel was blue with the wing crack that made it split down the middle; symbolizes the love that broke apart. The hardest part was seeing the blue angel, that symbolizes his child that could have been~

Manger: alright wrap it up! We have 10 mins to pack up or it overtime money! Let's Go...
Toni: um you alright?
BabyFace: yea, why you ask?
Toni: because you are shaking, Ken...
BabyFace: maybe just a little dehydrated, imma go back to the hotel to catch a nap I'll see tomorrow for the show(kiss cheek)
Toni: alright( puzz look upon her face).
Toni: where the hell is Towanda, she just left me at the hotel and is not even here either!
Manager: I haven't seen her at all today, but I have your driver outside waiting on you.
~Toni eventually hop in the car and there was a note that said~

Hello miss alway late, the driver will be dropping you off somewhere special so be patient -Towanda

Toni: what the hell wanda...
~Meanwhile at the hotel~
~Kenny finally made to the hotel but bump into Towanda and all the sisters~
Towanda: Kenny! We were just looking for you...
Babyface: hey Wanda, um, Toni was looking for you at rehearsal ...
Towanda: don't worry about that(arms his arm) come with me, we have a surprise for you!
Tamar: hey Babyface!
Traci: hey Ken...
Trina: Hey Kenny, how you feeling...
Babyface: Hey ladies, just a little sleepy I-
Traci: were you going to go to sleep?
Babyface: yea but it alright I need to be up anyway...
Tamar: oh well, you coming with us!
~They all jump into the car and went to a private restaurant~
~in the car~
Tamar: it crowded...
Traci: and musty(look at Trina)
Trina: don't look over here, the person you should be looking at is in the mirror cause-
Traci: girl-
Towanda: hey hey, we here so just get out!
~ when they all enter the building, everybody jumps out~
Babyface: wow!
Tamar: we just want to throw you and Toni a private dinner/ party just to celebrate you two success together and also apart! speaking of Toni where is she?
Traci: how she late to her own surprise party...
Trina: did you hear you just said, Traci?
Traci: what I say?
Towanda: surprise party-nvm...
Tamar:( shakes head) everybody just enjoys themselves and when we find Toni, I'll let you know to get bk to the position.
Towanda: this is awful, this was too soon, the driver must go running late(sigh)
BabyFace: I love it actually, thank you!
Tamar: here's Toni, everyone hide!
~everyone starts to duke and lights shut off~
Tamar: Living Legend!
~Toni and Kenny join hand~
Toni: what is all of this for?
Towanda: just to show appreciation and also congratulations from everyone.
Toni: well thank, this is very sweet of all of you guys...

~A Guy Name James handed Toni a Beautiful Picked rose~
Toni: while thank you, Mr?
James: You can call me James(kiss hand)
~Toni blush but look up a babyface and smile went straight away~
Traci: girl did you see that?
Tamar: yes, tonight going to be fun...
Traci: mhm...

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