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After the performance, Kenny made his way to Toni's dressing room. He knocked twice and waited for an answer."Who is it?" Toni called out while packing her bags. Kenny knew she wouldn't open the door if he said it was him, so he lied."Your manager!" He responded, hoping she'd let him in.

"Come in!" Toni shouted. Kenny walked into the room and shut the door. Not paying much attention to who was really there, Toni started talking.
"So what time tomorrow are we-" She halted her movements upon seeing Kenneth in the room. She glared at him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She fired. He rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh."Toni, I have been calling and texting you! Why won't you answer me?" Toni dropped her bag and folded her arms.

"Talk? You wanna talk? Okay, let's talk about how you fucking embarrassed me and had me looking like the damsel in distress! You made me out to be desperate and had me looking like a complete fool!" She shouted getting in his face.

"Or let's talk about how the hell you claim you love me and want to be with me but yet you canceled the whole damn tour, then that bitch Nicole tried to fight me over you, you Kenneth!"

At this point, Toni was fuming. She hated having her heart taken for granted which is why she hated express how she truly feels.

" Then! I got bitches like Wendy William spreading lies about me and assuming it's my health, messing with my money because nobody is booking me". She was lite up like a firer but keep her composure.

Kenny understood it all but couldn't find the word to say so he lets his body talk for him.
No matter what, The affection they had could even tame themselves, even after the cautious.

~20 mins later~

"Kenneth..." Toni moaned as he softly kissed her neck. His hands aimlessly roamed her body while he kissed her. She wanted him to stop but at the same time, she didn't. He kissed his way from her neck over to her soft plump lips. His hands left her sides and traveled down to her lower cheeks and squeezed them.

His hands once again traveled from one place to another, her thighs. He lifted her up and sat her on top of the vanity in the room. He begins to slowly kiss down her chest, going lower and lower. Toni was so wrapped up on the moment that she didn't realize just how close he was to her stomach.

Suddenly, she stopped him by pushing him away. Kenneth took a step back looking at Toni puzzled.
"I'm sorry, I thought-" Toni shook her head.
"N-no you're fine, I just umm..." Kenneth walked back up to her and held her face.
"I'll go slow, yeah?" Toni caved in. As long as she kept him away from her stomach, she'd be fine. Giving him the go-ahead, Kenneth lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. He picked her up, carrying her over to the couch and laid her down.

Slowly he began kissing her as he did in the beginning while his hands went down in between their bodies. He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his zipper and dropped his pants.
"You ready?" He asked. Toni bit her lip and nodded.
"Been ready, I missed you" She replied back. She helped him take off his black and white Calvin Klein boxers. He climbed on top of her and positioned himself at her entrance. Slowly, he began to slide in as she adjusted to his size. Toni's head fell back and her mouth was wide open with her eyes tightly shut.

"Damn, you're so big..." She moaned as he began gliding in and out of her. She was so wet that you could hear every time he went in and out. Picking up the pace, Kenneth propped her legs on his shoulders while holding her by the hips. He went deeper and harder as he went faster.

"K-Ken.. shit! Don't stop!" Toni cried out. Her fingernails scratched at his back leaving marks as he drove her wild. She was so close to coming undone until suddenly she felt sick. She tried to ignore the feeling for as long as she could. Almost reaching his climax, Kenneth quickly pulled out and flipped Toni over.
"Face down, ass up." He commanded making Toni lick her lips and do as told. Little did he know, this was her favorite position and likely the reason she got pregnant in the first place. As Kenneth drilled her from the back, the ill-feeling in Toni's stomach began to surface again. This time, she couldn't ignore it.

Within seconds Toni pushed Kenneth back and ran to the bathroom. She didn't have time to shut the door before all of last night and today's food came out of her violently. She felt weak as her head hung over the toilet bowl. Her body was slumped on the ground after she vomited two more times. Kenneth, who had put his boxers back on, came running into the bathroom.

His face held concern and fear.
"Toni, what happened? Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough-" Toni weakly held her hand up for him to stop talking, She coughed a little bit before speaking.
"Shut up. You didn't do anything wrong, I just felt sick all of-" Suddenly, another round of food came back up. Toni held her stomach with one hand and tried to hold her hair with the other. Kenneth ran to her aid and held her hair for her. After she was done, he carried her over to the couch and laid her down.

He ran back to the restroom to grab a towel and ran cold water on it. He came back out and placed the towel on Toni's forehead then handed her a bottle of cold water.
"Here, drink this. Vomiting a lot can dehydrate you and that's not good." Listening to Dr. Kenneth, she nodded and drank nearly half the bottle. They sat in silence for a moment giving her body time to relax after the violent attack from her insides. Kenneth looked down at Toni while massaging her head.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Toni asked softly. Kenneth looked away in silence then faced her again.
What did Kenny peep?

Shout out to TonixxJanet for helping with this chapter and also expanded my writing period❤️

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