Lay it on the Line

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💡I'm not going to even lie and say I don't understand why Toni feels the way she feels, But I need her to understand that I moved on and about to get married and the feelings that I had once before is gone; but since we about to go on tour; I think it will be best if we have a conversation just to clear the air.

~Toni walk in the studio greeting everyone, and Ken turn around off the piano and wave everyone out the booth so Toni and Him could talk~

Babyface: Hey, Tone

Toni: so when the tour starts again?

Babyface: chuckle... enough tour stuff, how everything going

Toni: Great(with a pleased look on her face as if she really needed him to question her more)

Babyface: Listen Tone I-

Toni: Why don't you love me?!

~Toni was never this blunt, but I guess when you sick of beating around the bush for 25 years, you get the urge of not caring how you look Anymore.~

Babyface: Honestly speaking I-

Toni: Take off your shade and be completely honest.

~take off shades~

Babyface: Toni I-

Toni: you pick me up at the lowest moment and show me, unconditional love, affection, when my whole world falling apart, made me love music again.

Babyface: stop!...please stop

~Ken couldn't even look Toni in the eye and express how he truly feels because deep down he wanted her just as bad, but he had a family, a baby girl and a soon to be wife Nicole.~

Ken, she was a rebound! a little fling after Tracey and she so happens to get pregnant.

Babyface: tone

Toni: you just left me, Ken - in that hotel after all those sweet nothing you said in my ear

Babyface: Toni I didn't mean t-

Toni: Not to mention! that was the first time in a long time since we made love and you just disappear, you just left me high on your words

How can you just leave me!

after everything, we have been through!

Are you serious!

Babyface: Toni!

Toni: Had me think; we were going somewhere. All those late nights!

Babyface: tone you are -

Toni: you expect me to be fine and ok and just forget everything, Every emotion! Every conversation! Every touch!

~at this point Toni in tear, stand up, screaming at the top of her lungs~

~Toni was holding this in for a very long time, her heart was broken from the one she was truly in love with~ SoulMate

Toni: You used me!

Babyface: Michelle stop!

~once he said Michelle she became silent and gather her things together, processing to leave~

As she was leaving he snatches her arm, ripping her blouse and push her against the wall, holding her body up from falling from a deep collapsed to the floor.

~Kenny was never the tuff, bad-boy type but once he saw Toni was about to walk out of his life, he had to get physical~

Toni was a little turn on but her anger got the root of her and she collapsed on the floor in a ball of emotional tear, couldn't believe she poured her heart out to a man in her eye didn't care enough to unbreak her heart.

Toni: just tell me why and I swear I leave.

~as much as he wanted Toni to know how he genuinely felt he couldn't find the exact words to explain the distance love he has for her. So, he just sat there with a blank stare and rough shoulder Stan's; looking at Toni heart beating out her chest and couldn't believe he had such an effective on her~

~After 10 minutes of a blank stare,Toni realize; him not saying nothing was all that he needed to say for her to know how he really feel for her~

Toni: nothing at all,huh...

~BabyFace shrug his shoulders, not knowing that he
will regret every single move he had made~

Toni:Stop making Decisions On feeling you ain't even have yet

~Toni was referring to his relationship with Nicole.~

That struck a nerve in Ken because it was true, everything was true.
He was making a decision on the love he never felt before and probably will never feel. Then realize that that's was the reason why he got divorced in his first marriage. He wanna the picture-perfect marriage that everyone sees but, in reality; he was only in love with Toni.

But But But......they both beginning their life on a mistake and too sorry to ever pull out. So, who really was to blame...

This my first Watt pad story so bear with me ❤️
Please comment your opinions, thoughts, what you think going to happen, what should happen, allllll thattttt.
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