|Tavis Smiley Show|

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~Next Morning~
~ring ring~
Babyface: Hello...
Mangers: Good Morning Kenneth, I booked you and Toni an interview with Tavis today before your concert, can you delay the message to Toni, she not answer her phone.
~Babyface smiling a Toni~
Babyface: yea she sleeping, I will delay the message, thank you...
Babyface: well, Good Morning beautiful(smile).
Toni: Hey who was that?
Babyface: The manger, we got an interview today before our show tonight...
Babyface: what wrong?
Toni: I hate doing interviews-
Babyface: why?
Toni: with you...
Babyface: Toni, don't start!
~Toni got up quick and ready to argue~
Toni: you act too... Innocent!
Babyface: Toni, I keep my life private because I don't want people opinion in my business, that the difference between us.
~Toni felt really embarrassed, Kenny felt the energy change~
Babyface: I'm sorry...
Toni: it alright-
Babyface: for telling the truth(grin)
Toni: Ken! (hit his arm)
~Babyface grab Toni arm and they share an intimate look~
Toni: let me know what you looking at?
Babyface: a beautiful headache...
Toni:(chuckle) oh really...
Babyface: really
~Kenny grabs Toni, pulling her closing into his space and revisit the fantastic; Toni snatch away playing hard to get and processing to get ready and take a shower~
~ring ring~

Babyface: Hello?
Towanda: Good Morning Ken, um... is Toni in there- wait I don't know why I even ask that, y'all just be ready by 10:30 for the booked interview with Tavis.
BabyFace:(lol) alright, we will be downstairs...
~Kenny went into the bathroom and turn off the lights~
Toni: Kenny! I can't see- what if I fall, Turn it back on!
Babyface: I'm right here to save you- you won't fall.
Toni: Ken, why you in the shower, you could have waited...
Babyface: why wait? You can't share...
Toni:(sigh) whatever!
Babyface:ooo-boy, the Selfishness! now pass the soap, and don't drop it!
Toni:(lmao) oops- sorry I can't see, it is dark!
Babyface: now! Pick it up! Cause I'll be damn
Toni:(lmao) alright...
~ Toni bend over and Babyface manhood touch the magic purse~
Toni: Kenny!
Babyface: Toni!- you the one that bends over.
~Toni became calm and stop playing so hard to get and slow rise up handing the soap to Kenny~
Toni: here you go...
~While handing him the soap, he grabbed her wrist instead, then pull her closer into his arms, Kenny started to kiss her down, sucking and licking the soap and water off making her crave more, his hands start to wander all over her body then the lingering smell of the soap became the scent down below. Toni wants it just as much as he did, Toni position herself up so Kenny enters her slowly cause her to gasp for air in the steamy shower.
Toni: Kenny I wanna hate you so much but I love you-
BabyFace: shhhh(covering her mouth)
Toni: we going to be late..
~He sped up causing her to shut up while arching her back halfway out the tub, he grabs her, pulling her back into motion while she gasped for air to release. As water rain over them in the shower, Kenny thrust more and more~
~ The shower was Kenny LoverLand~
Toni: let's take this to the bed(smile)
~BabyFace carry Toni to the bed laying her gently while she snuggled in the sheets~
Toni: what you waiting for?
~Before he went in, he just stares at her beauty, the way Toni's lips hit the sun through the window, how the sheets snuggle her hip and lastly the way she stares at him back making a sensible eye contact~

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