Lay it on the Line | 2

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~ after that heartfelt breakdown they just sitting there on the floor.....
staring at each other...
Toni cry dried up...
Kenny emotion affected by the cry of heartbreak...
Even though Toni couldn't see behind those shades, deep down.... he was just as heartbroken.~

~Kenny help pick Toni up and sat her on the  Panio bench, then he grabs Toni's hand then closes his eye and spills his heart...~

Babyface: Toni, you know I love you

Toni: I love you too(look up into those soft eyes)

Babyface: Do you remember the Beginning, when I saw you for the first time(grin). You were singing with your sisters and when I heard your voice, I was like omg, listen to that voice, so mu, so much love, and so much pain, and you know I love working with some pain. (chuckle).
But, the amazing thing is, I had, I had high hope for you, but I could never imagine you become what you become. (smile)
You know, one of my blessing of being a songwriter is, when I write songs, and you have a perfect person to sing those songs. It was like, I was born to write for you and you were born to sing for me(smile).

Toni:(blushing but looking away)

Babyface: You know tone, I watch you for many years with all that you went through, the up and downs but if I haven't told you this before, you are a very strong woman, very strong. I even remember that day for the shooting of boomerang(chuckle).

Toni: yes!

Babyface: I  remember so clearly like it was yesterday, you had on that "Alaia Dress" and I remember peps was saying(don't get that for her, you going to spoil her, spoil her). and I got it for you anyway(laughing). You wore the hell of out it(chuckle). But, that boomerang video was so much fun, I really miss those time that I enjoyed with you.
You are an amazing person inside an out, you are hilarious, always know how to make people smile. You bring out the best in me and show me that being myself is ok, I don't always have to be serious all the time and... showed me, love, that I never had before and it felt good to be loved.
Toni: (smile)

Babyface: (smile)
-look up a Toni-
Babyface: Tone, you know I have an ex-wife and 2 sons... and now I have a fiancé and a little girl, I don't want any confusion.

Toni: confusion? What do you mean?

Babyface: I...I just don't want to have a lot of baby mama going crazy and a whole bunch of kids and label as a deadbeat dad who doesn't take of his responsibility and-

Toni: So you marrying someone, that you not in love with, for your children and reputation and your overall image for what a "man" looks like?

~Kenny hesitant before answering and then realize even tho it sounded foolish that exactly how he felt. Family meant everything to him if his family happiness was the cost of his own happiness; we'll be it, he was fine with that, as long as they were satisfied~

~In Kenny mind, Nicole wasn't a bad person and she was good to him and well together. So, he settles for her, for his daughter. As long as Toni was in his life, he was fine, all he need was an emotional relationship with her, things didn't have to get physical for him to fall in love with her.~

Babyface: it's complicated

Toni: Kenny is there anything I can do to -...

Babyface: always be there...

~Kenny kiss Toni forehead goodbye, walk out the studio in a rush of a meltdown, hop in his car and was gone. Toni had to women up and accept the fact that her soulmate didn't want her, so she picks up her emotions and put it in her pocket; silently got herself together and walk out the studio, into a room of people just staring at her, as if they felt sorry, as if they felt the pain, as if they heard the whole conversation, as if they was her. She rushes out the studio in embarrassment and was gone in a drop of a dime.~

Hi There🗣, This one was a hard chapter to do because I kept getting brain farts but Thank you for your opinion and comment, it motivated me to keep writing. I appreciate the feedback.💜

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