|The Breakfast Club|

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~Manager on a 3-way call with BabyFace and Toni~
Manager: Good Morning guy, you too have an interview with the Breakfast Club at 12 pm, they a little out there with the questions they ask, be cautious, and answer carefully... please don't go viral...
Toni: Why go on this show then?
Manager: They have a huge platform and million of follower, views and plus they one of the top radio show, so you have to do it and plus you already book, 12 pm don't be late.
~hang up~
~entrance from Toni and BabyFace~
Dj envy: Good Morning it Dj Envy, Angela Yee, Charlemagne Tha God, we are the Breakfast Club and today we have some special guest-
Charlemagne: yea it's not everyday classic, legendary people come to this ratchet ass show...
~The room full of laughter~
Charlemagne: But we got BabyFace and Toni Braxton in the building
Toni: Good Morning
BabyFace: hey, how are you...
Dj envy: now Toni, we been looking for you for a long time they said you were Afraid and scared-
Toni:whatttt? (while looking at Kenny)
Charlemagne: why Beyonce never come with Destiny Child
Toni: Because she Beyonce...
BabyFace: ooo, dang...
Charlemagne: oh ok...
Charlemagne and Dj envy: and that's Toni!
Toni: no shade tho(lol) you got me!

Charlemagne: Love, Marriage, And Divorce, why it so negative?
Toni: Divorce can be positive(lol)
Angela Yee: I think they talking about their own experience...
Toni: Yea it personal...
Angela Yee: now you are divorced right?
Toni: Yes it been finalized last year, so I'm new at this single life
Angela Yee: y'all been married for like 13 years, that's a long time...
Toni: yea, very long time.
Angela Yee: Now why not stick it out since y'all invest so much time?
Toni: I tired, we went to counseling, therapy, everything above, but I just felt out of love and I always thought to myself how could I- Toni Braxton fall out of love with the one that I said I do too and I tried and I tried and it happens...
Charlemagne: Wow, a year without penis...
Angela Yee: Charlemagne!
Toni: Well occasionally I get Tender love here and there so I'm alright. ( glancing at Kenny)
Charlemagne: so what going on, Tender love?
Toni: yea, Tender Love.
~Angela interrupts~
Angela Yee: now, I read an article that Toni did and she said she used to have a crush on you BabyFace, did she ever express that to you or were you surprised to find out.
Toni: he probably knew.
Charlemagne: But you call him your Musical Husband.
Toni: He is(wink)
Charlemagne: YALL HAD SEX BEFORE, come on out with it.
Charlemagne: All of this time she calls you her Musical Husband, she flirts with you, y'all had to do something?
Toni: no, he doesn't look at me that way(glance at Ken)
Charlemagne: really, you can't even get him to smell it?
Toni: Omg, it's too early for that...

Charlemagne: now, BabyFace it seems like you more into the creating then the actual spotlight-
BabyFace: yea creating is the fun part to me.
Charlemagne: I bet you get a lot of vagina like that, being one of the quiet ones, women will give it up, knowing you won't tell...
Toni: yea girls come up to me and ask me "can you give BabyFace my number"
Charlemagne: and you used to hate.
Toni: no I would give it to him, he never paid it any attention, he would go out with his girlfriend Tracey.
Angela Yee: so you would still giving him the numbers when he was still with Tracey? That ain't right Toni.
Toni: nooo, but it was people he has seen, so I just gave it to him cause they asked.
Angela Yee: Love Marriage Divorce, the Order of life
Charlemagne: in store when?
BabyFace and Toni: Now
Angela Yee: their many things on the album, talks about the reality that happens in the world. So, go pick it up today.
Charlemagne: will y'all ever get married again?
BabyFace: I'm getting married later this year...
Toni: not to me(sign)
Dj Envy: why don't you give Toni a try before you get married?
Toni: omg can we focus, album drop today. So, pick it up (lol).
Charlemagne: Toni are you dating anyone?
Toni: yea I currently dating...
Angela Yee: what's his name, is he in the industry?
Toni: no name no case, but I call him angel(glancing at Kenny)
Babyface:( sips drink)
Charlemagne: I know that right, she said no name no case.....is he in the industry?
Toni: Yes! He a producer, songwriter, director, all that!
Charlemagne: why you call him Angel?
Toni: cause he flew in my life like an angel...
Angela Yee: aww that's sweet...
Toni: show me unconditional love and support and we all have a person in our life that touch us like an angel, right?
Angela Yee: Yes we do...
Toni: and he one of a kind like an angel(smile).
Charlemagne: you can tell you happy cause you smiling from cheek to cheek.
Angel Yee: well congratulations, hope everything goes well with that.
Babyface:(sip tea and remembers Toni calls him that in bed)
Charlemagne: ok well thank you guy for coming-
Dj envy: it was a pleasure having you guys.
Toni: thank for having us!
Dj envy: This the Breakfast Club and we are signing out.

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