|Beautiful Understanding|

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Hello Tamar...
Tamar: Toni Michele Braxton, where you at?
Toni: I'm driving Tamar wassup
Tamar: why the headlines say you and babyface are dating and why y'all grinding on each other on stage like that, that's disgusting.
Toni: girl...
Tamar: is he cracking your back, Michele?
Babyface: I'm finna why
~Toni face shock but Babyface couldn't see her reaction~

Tamar: bbbbbbb- Babyface!
Babyface: Hey Tamar
Tamar: wait wait wait wait! let's hold on for a sec....
Toni: bye Tamar!
Tamar: Wait for a sec!
Toni: what Tamar?
Tamar: make sure you crack it real good, face
Babyface: I wil-
Toni: bye Tamar!
~hang up~
Toni: so we cracking backs now?
~Silent while he turns his head in the blindfold~
Babyface: can I take these off now?
Toni: wait we almost there...

~10 min later~
Babyface: Toni why I got these blindfolded on if I already know we going to your house?
~they both bust out crying laughing~
Toni: you know what...
Babyface: it ok doe(lol)
Toni: we here...
Babyface: I know that Toni, my blindfolded are off...
Toni: I had a Traci moment...
Babyface:ooo, imma tell her too...

~They finally arrive at Toni house, it was around 5 pm, it was sunset and the star and moon was peeking out and the mode was beautiful~
Toni: surprise!
Babyface: wow, Ms. Braxton
~ Toni has set up a beautiful dinner with Rose Pedal all over the floor, fresh grill steak with mashed potatoes, soft Marvin Gaye music playing and candles dim all around.
Toni: Tonight I just really want to celebrate you and to show my appreciation of everything that you did for me over the last 20 year, you know with the bankruptcy, the love lost of music, my sickness; you were really was there for me....and I was too blind to see that, but I know I can't make up lost time but moving toward... I just want to show my appreciation and to say I Love you(kiss on the cheek).
Babyface: wow Tone.
~Ken was speechless because he finally got what he wanted to move on~...

Toni: Here have a sit and relax and tell me about your day.
BabyFace:(smirk) well tone, I did a few sessions with some new artist and turn out pretty great and had a session with Bobby Brown-
Toni: Did he come through with the magic?
BabyFace:nah, he finishes with, honestly...
Toni: well dang face...
BabyFace: it true, something disappears if you ignore it..for a very long time.
Toni:(look down upon hands)
BabyFace: Toni look up, I know we ended our relationship off of a misunderstanding but I need you to know that I love you-
BabyFace: but I have moved on, and I don't want to lead you on but I do appreciate you even acknowledging that you hurt me and go out of your way to show your appreciate and love towards me and that's really all I want and needed to move on.
~Toni try over and over to win him again, but he really move on and all she could do is respect he decide that he made~
Toni: I understand and like you said sometimes things disappear if you ignore it and it so happen it was you.
BabyFace: it, not me, it was it, I will always be here as long as I live.
Toni: well...
BabyFace: Well the night don't have to be over, I see you got that Marvin Gaye playing...
Toni: yea(smile)
BabyFace: Let's dance
Toni: Kenny BabyFace Edmond, you know you are not a dancer
BabyFace: imma dancer for you...
Toni: see, that what I'm talking about, you going to make it hard for me to resist.
BabyFace: maybe I don't want you too, let's dance...
~ Kenny grab Toni hand and walk her in the middle of the living room and grab her waist and start dancing away~

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