|Dinner at Edmonds|

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Nicole: Finally, you guys are back, princess why you so dirty?
Peyton: sorry mommy, I think I had too much fun...
Nicole: it alright babe, go change and come eat...
Kenny: sorry I got caught up in a conversation with Melvin.
Nicole: it's ok, what were you guys talking about.
Kenny: Life.
Nicole: aw ok, well the party start in an hour so I think we got enough time to eat something quickly and get going.
Kenny: alright.
Nicole: I been planning the wedding Ken, trying to keep myself occupied while you on tour
~Nicole felt the vibe and push the conversation more~
Nicole: I have a few questions to ask you, you want all your celebrity friend there?
Kenny: no, this is a small and intimate event.
Nicole: L.A Reid, Pebbles, and what about Toni?
Kenny: Toni not coming.
Nicole: why?
Kenny: she said she has something book that day.
Nicole: Yea..ok-
Kenny: Nicole, not today, let get going before we are late.
~Meanwhile with Towanda~

Towanda: everything looks perfect.
Manager: great-why don't you get ready for your big opening for the night; I got everything under control.
Towanda; alright-one last thing, make sure all my sister are here seated at the same table as me.
Manager: ok girl, go-go(while pushing her out)
Manager: Alright everyone gathers around- this is Towanda Big 40th, so everything needs to be run smoothly, I need security to be on deck on every corner, music on replay all night and food continuously being served.


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