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~Fourth show of the Tour, in the high of Harare!, Toni got her health together and was ready to knock out tonight performance but having an Ex isn't always the best!
Towanda: Keri! Who let you in...
Keri: Well, hello to you Towanda and Tamar, Toni back to the music I see.
Towanda:(smile) yea, she doing very well-
Tamar: Very Well!
Keri: that great
Towanda: with Babyface...
Keri: hm...
Towanda: So, why you here?
Keri: I can't just see? Watch and enjoy the show?
Tamar: um, I guess you can- in the audience. Security!
~Tamar had Keri escorted into the audience to avoid any contact with Toni~
Tamar: girl, this finna be a mess!
Towanda: no it's not! over my dead body...

|And I will give you my heart
And I will always be true to you
And I will love you forever
If I could just make love to you|

~Toni spot Keri and immediately set the mood~

Toni: alright y'all, Babyface can I give my love to you.
Babyface:( chuckles) of course you can.
~They Dance, Grind, body to body, real close that they forgot they were on stage. The audience loved every minute of the lust affection but one person~
Keri: she desperate.
James: mhm, dealing with a married man.
Keri: kinda hilarious, let go...she already embarrassed herself enough, my job been filled.
Babyface: Alright Audience, give it up for Toni Braxton!
~After the show ended Toni walk hand n hand with Kenny in separate dressing rooms kissing each other goodbye but Toni walks in seeing a face that she doesn't wanna see~
Toni: Keri? What are you doing here?
Keri: I came to enjoy the show...
Toni: but why you in my dressing room, who let you in?
Keri: Jesus Toni, just wanna see how you doing(while jumping off the couch)
Toni: Keri please(raise hand)
Keri: When you coming to get the boys?
Toni: they staying with you until I get off tour.
Keri: I'm cool with that but just a little communication will be fine too?
Toni: you don't deal with me, you deal with my manager.
Keri: I don't have a baby by your manger, I got a baby by Toni Braxton.
Toni: your work on my nerves with this Divorce and you know damn well I have lupus and also our son condition-you know what; anything else you need?
Keri: Babyface?
Toni: what about him...
Keri: I see you and Kenny together on stage bumping and grinding, I guess the whole brother-sister thing was a front for me and the world?
Toni:(smile) What is it to you?
Keri: not a damn thing...
Toni: great, he has always been there for me whenever I needed him through the hardship I been through...
Keri: and I wasn't? (while moving closer)
Keri: I wasn't! answer me...
Toni: no, you weren't...
Keri: So, me giving you my black card wasn't enough, helping you with your tour wasn't enough, looking over all your paperwork before you sign wasn't good enough; cause lord knows you don't look over shit and sign anything and be in this situation to where you are going to go bankrupt.
Toni: emotional Keri! You help me to be a star but being my husband, a person who loves, honor, and care for, please! You were just looking for a check!
~BabyFace was just across the room, hearing everything but silent~
Keri: yea Toni.. you know everything right...
Toni: I know enough, goodbye, out my face.
~Keri got his coat and walk out taking one good look at Toni~
Keri: you never find love with a married man.
Toni: well I enjoy the ride(smile) bye...
~Keri walk out of Toni dressing room just to see BabyFace standing at his door staring Keri down~
Keri: have fun...
Just a shout out to sweetreeka22  for helping me with this chapter!

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