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~Few months pass and the Tour kick off in Jamaica, The Land Of Dance~

Manager: Hey everyone gather around, I just have a few announcements before tonight show, first I would like to say, great job to everyone!
We are all a team, a family, that means everyone plays a part in the success of LMD, so with that being said, clap it up for yourself.

~everyone clapping, grinned, hugging each other~

Manager: and a huge congrats to Babyface and  Ton-, where Toni...

~everyone looks around in confusion~

Manager: Nobody has seen Toni?

~everyone looking around staring at BabyFace~

BabyFace: I haven't seen her today(which he means in two months)...
Manager: ok this is not good, this is the very first show, so we can afford any mistake and mishap happening. Somebody get her on the phone, call her, do something, she has to be here... or that millions of dollars we have to return, and who like giving money back...cause I don't.

   ~walk off sipping champagne~

~Towanda put down her glass of champagne down and announce she'll call her~
              ~ring- ring~

Towanda: Hello, Hey tone everyone is at rehearsal and you need to be here, you have a show tonight at 7, did you forget? It 5 now, if you don't make it here by 6:30; that millions of dollars that have to be given back and fans time is wasted. Also an embarrassing headline in the blogs the next morning, come on tone... call me back, bye.

BabyFace: She upset with me...

Towanda: with you face?
BabyFace: (chuckle) yea...
~while straightening his mic up, looking sadly up a towanda~
BabyFace: You obviously know, you're her sist-
Towanda: (haha) Nah, even tho they call me the secrets squirrel, Toni keep you two a dead ass mystery.
BabyFace:(chuckle)basically I had to make the choice of not stringing her alone and wasting her time.
Towanda: and she wasn't so ready to let it go...?
Babyface: (sigh) yea
Towanda: Well you know true love is never a waste of time.
BabyFace: True love ain't supposed to be blind either.
Towanda: Blind what you mean?
BabyFace: I honestly hate when Toni plays the victim...like she was the only one heartbroken when we had a little thing together back in the day.
Towanda: oh...oh...victim?( attitude on nana)

BabyFace: Nobody knew but- we had a little thing back in 98, we were secret Lovers, you know I was married to Tracey and...
Towanda: Wait hold up... like you said you were married, so what makes you think she was going to take both of you being a thing, serious?
Towanda: Exactly face you can't get mad when you-
BabyFace: Nah wait... me and Toni had this conversation, we both were in relationships, we both had an understanding of what we were doing, our love is forever eternal and that something only her and I will ever understand.
Towanda: What was the point of being in a different relationship, if y'all was truly in love with each other?
BabyFace: I was already married and had my two sons,
Towanda: there you go again, staying in relationships because of your kids
BabyFace: it not easy!
Towanda: life ain't easy! it full of hard decisions and consequences-
BabyFace: Then she sued the company and got married...
Towanda: ok...
BabyFace: That what divided us...
Towanda: face, what was she supposed to do?
BabyFace: Talk to me! She just Left me...
BabyFace: When she sued the company, she just cut all tie between us, as If everything we had was nothing.
~at this point Ken was getting loud and his voice starts cracking as if he was finna start crying. Ken was never an emotional person, but he was not going to be label a heartbreaker in this Love Story...~
Towanda: She thought you were cheating on her...
BabyFace: That a lie, How!
Towanda: I don't know Ken, I just know what she told me and that honestly nothing, but I do know this, you were heartbroken, she was heartbroken and either y'all going to fix this or let it go and I mean let it go for real. because this was over 15 years ago and the fact that it still messes with you guys head like that, it was nothing but love.
BabyFace: This cant be fixed cause Toni lying, she ain't no angel...
She changed... and throw my heart away...

~BabyFace walks away~

~There always 3 sides to a Love Story, now we know BabyFace Truth. They both thought they were over it a long time ago, but when they came face to face to make this album, all the emotion of heartache was still there, like it happened just yesterday~

Please comment your opinions, thoughts, what you think going to happen, what should happen, allllll thattttt.
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