LMD|Cape Town Night

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Nicole: Hi, can I get the room number to Mr.Edmonds?
Receptionist: and who might you be to Mr.Edmonds?
Nicole: I'm his fiancé sir...
Receptionist: I'm sorry that room number is exclusive due to random people trying to get it, you know?
Nicole: .... ok and?
Receptionist: but I'm going to call up there to just verify...
Nicole: Wait, I'm trying to surprise him, do you need my I.d or something damn...
Receptionist: sorry either I call up there or there no getting in.
Nicole: call him then...
Receptionist: give me a sec Mrs—
Nicole: Edmonds
Receptionist: real name, please?
Nicole: Wow, Nicole...
~rang ~
Receptionist: sorry Mrs-Nicole, seems he not answering the phone, you can either sit on the lobby or call him yourself and somehow he can verify you.
Nicole: are you kidding me?
Receptionist: I'm just doing my job miss.
Receptionist: there people behind you miss, can you step aside?
~Nicole processed to sit in the lobby chair and wait~
~ring ~
Nicole: Hey Ken, I'm here at Midnight Hotel, trying to surprise you but they won't let me in(sigh) so I'm just sitting in the lobby waiting, can you give me a call back... bye-love you.
~meanwhile Kenny and Toni was Knock out until a knock on the door woke up Kenny~
Babyface: who is it!
Babyface: aye-
Towanda: Nicole downstairs sleep in the lobby.
Babyface: what!
Towanda: yea...
~ Kenny checks his phone and he sees 8 miss call from her~
Babyface: aww man...
~He rushes his shoes on and went straight to the lobby~
Babyface: Nicole- Nicole, wake up
Nicole: Kenny!, why you not answering your phone?
Babyface: I'm so sorry I was sleep, why you didn't come to my room(already knowing why but)
Nicole: they won't let me in like I was a groupie or something!
Babyface: I'm sorry- why you here?
Nicole: what you mean- why I'm here! to surprise you! but to me, it seems like you not surprise at all!
Babyface: not like that, today been a rough day-you know we had to cancel the show and-
Nicole: can we talk about this in your room, but in the lobby where people staring at us(while looking around).
Babyface: yea-sorry, let's go...
~they process to go up until they bump into Toni going to the lobby for coffee~
Toni: oh hey, you two lovebirds...
Nicole: Hey Toni
Babyface: Hey, how you feeling?
Toni: I'm feeling a little better, about to go get some coffee...
Nicole: Oh, I almost forgot to give you this-
~Nicole goes in her purse to give Toni an invitation to their wedding~
Toni: oh congratulations again...
Nicole and Kenny: thank you...
Nicole: um Kenny this was a surprise but I might as well tell you- I'm having a dinner for you tonight and Toni you are welcome to come.
Toni: oh ok, I will be there, what time?
Nicole: 12 pm
Toni: where?
Nicole: La Colombe Restaurants
Toni: that pretty late but anything for Ken(bit lip)
Babyface: aye Nicole here's my key, I will be there in a sec...
Nicole: Alright, I'll talk to you later Toni-don't be long Kenny...
Babyface: I won't
Babyface: Toni what wrong with you?
Toni: what you talking about? (grabbing Kenny shirt)
Babyface: Toni stop (grabbing her hand)
Toni: what's your problem now!
Babyface: my wife is here and you making slick comments!
Toni: you wife?
Babyface: Toni...
Toni: listen...babe don't do that...
Babyface: no, you listen! You will not disrespect her!
Toni: why you talking to me like that?
Babyface: I'm sorry I-
Toni: You never raise your voice at me like that before...
~Toni looking shocked and could believe Kenny~
Babyface: listen tone I-
Toni: save it(walk away).

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