|Confession Conversation|

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Toni: Towanda why you throwing yourself a birthday party so late?
Towanda: because Ms.Braxton, I have to do a lot for you and this tour.
Toni: aw ok, you right-enjoy it, um what time is the party?
Towanda: around 8, you going?
Toni: I'll pop in and out.
Towanda: hm, how you been lately.
Toni: I'm been alright(sigh)
Towanda: here we go Toni, what's wrong, what happened?
Toni: nothing happens, I'm perfectly fine anyway give me a rundown on the guest list.
Towanda: hm, well all the sisters, mom and daddy
Toni: Oh lord...
Towanda: the whole band and crew, Everybody invited!
Toni: I will be there (smile)
Towanda: alright, well I have to go and see what mess they made!
Toni: alright, love you and Happy Birthday.
Towanda: love you too, tone.
Toni: Wait, Towanda! I have to tell you something...
~Toni was contemplating should she share her pregnancy, she couldn't hold it in any longer and it was eating her up inside but she didn't in any way want to  ruin Towanda birthday~
Towanda: Wassup Toni?
Toni: nothing...
Towanda: Toni, if there anything you wanna talk about, you can say it...
Toni: I'll just tell you later(smile). 
Towanda: Toni, now I really want to know now, what is it!
Toni: I just tell you later(pushing Towanda 
to the door)
Towanda: alright Toni, well see you later then.

~Ring Ring Ring~
~Toni glance at her phone only to see 7 miss call from Kenny, she refused to answer anything until she gets her thought together~

~MeanWhile at Kenny house~
Nicole: who you calling?
Kenny: oh just the manger, to see when the tour kicking back up.
Nicole: hm...
~Peyton jumping in the door~
Peyton: Daddy! your home!
Kenny: Hey Pey, daddy home from the tour but only for a few days.
Peyton: come look at my room!
Kenny: hold on, go on, I'll meet you in there, let me speak to mommy.

Nicole: You going to Towanda birthday celebration tonight?
Kenny: I don't know yet...
Nicole: I think we should go, she sent an invitation and I kinda already told her I'm coming.
Kenny: oh you really wanna go?
Nicole: yea, stay out late and have little fun.
Kenny: hm, I think about it...
Peyton: Daddy!
Kenny: I'm coming.
Peyton: look at my coloring book.
Kenny: aye, is that supposed to be me...
Peyton: (lol) yes daddy
Kenny: aye good job, but do you wanna go to Uncle Melvin house go get some ice cream?
Peyton: ooo, yes!
Kenny: ok but you have to keep it a secret from mommy because you not supposed to have ice cream before dinner.
Peyton: ok daddy, your secret safe with me.
~Babyface and Peyton stop by the kitchen before going to uncle Melvin house~
Kenny: aye Nicole, we going to Uncle Melvin for a few hours we will be back before dinner.
Nicole: alright gimme a kiss.
Babyface: Peyton, give mommy a kiss.

~Kenny and Peyton drove to Uncle Melvin House~
Uncle Melvin: Who's the most pretty girl in the world!
Peyton: meee!!!!
Uncle Melvin: how my little angel.
Peyton: I'm alright uncle, where the ice cream!
Uncle Melvin: that all I'm worth(lol) but go get some.
Kenny: aye wassup man
Uncle: aye! Haven't seen you in a bit, wassup man-normally you won't pop up like this without a call.
Kenny: my bad man, a lot been going down and my mind are so caught up, I just came to holla at you.
Uncle Melvin: awe man, come in, hope everything alright.
Kenny: you know Toni right?
Uncle Melvin: of course! Your Secret Lover.
Kenny: man, what you talking about?
Uncle Melvin: come on man, everybody knows, the way y'all flirt and sing to each other on stage, sometimes I been in the back like " My brother than fell in love" secretly though.
Kenny:(lol) man, that what I came to talk to you about.
Uncle Melvin: yea?
Kenny: you see, I love Nicole but I'm in love with Toni.
Uncle Melvin: even though what y'all had was old.
Kenny: the situation was old but the love I thought was old and gone - man... it just rush back and I love her even more.
Uncle Melvin: oh shit Ken! (jumping out of his seat)
Kenny: but, Toni is very much upset with me over what happened a week ago though.
Uncle Melvin: what had happened?
Kenny: Her Ex pop up at her concert and said some disrespectful stuff and I just stood there.
Uncle Melvin: like a wimp?
Kenny: aye listen-
Uncle Melvin: no offense but is Toni your lady? or it's complicated! are y'all together- what the status? (lol)
Kenny: uh...
Uncle Melvin: oh wait, ain't you engage to Nicole!?
Kenny: yea...
Uncle Melvin: Nigga you got some decisions to make and you have to make them quickly.
Kenny: man, I don't know what to do.
Uncle Melvin: ok? Explain everything to me.
Kenny: man, I don't know where to start. Toni and I has a little secret relationship when I was with Tracey.

Uncle Melvin: mhm
Kenny: then she sues the company and everything went left...
Uncle Melvin: how?
Kenny: she just cut all communication between us and then got married!
Uncle Melvin: she was foul for that.
Kenny: but I'm the bad guy?
Uncle Melvin: but you were married to Tracey though, the blames ain't all on Toni.
Kenny: I ain't saying I'm 100 percent innocent either- then she spread lies that I cheated on her to make her seem like an angel.
Uncle Melvin: ok, y'all got to pass that right?
Kenny: yea we pass that- but you said you wanted to know the whole story? Right?
Uncle Melvin: Nigga skip a couple of decades(lol)
Kenny: lol alright, we got reacquainted for this album and that The old flame that I would was gone rematch. Upfront I told her, I'm getting married and what we had was gone, we argued few time about it and made up quickly about it(lol). Man, it so complicated!
Uncle Melvin: Ok it seems like your feeling is left and right but all I can say is follow your heart.
Kenny: Toni
Uncle Melvin: ok boom! There you go...
Kenny: Peyton...
Uncle Melvin: what about her, she will love you regardless and just let her know you will always be there, no matter what happens
Kenny: alright(sigh of relief) I think imma do that.
Uncle Melvin: Yes, everything will work out Ken, don't worry.
Kenny: Alright man, thanks a lot I think I got things in a wrap.
Uncle Melvin: Alright man, now give me a hug, everything will be alright brother.
~Kenny and Melvin hugged it out~
Peyton: mommy calling, we should head home.
Kenny: with all the ice cream around your face, let get going.

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