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Earth - In the near future - Near a demolished city in Greece...

- "How the fuck have we reached that point?" SG thought but his thought has been disrupted immediately.

- Boss watch out! Incoming attack from North - West! They are a lot fucking more this time!

- Damn it! Quick, gather around the barrier and activate the drones!

- Drones activated sir!

- Hold your position until I give the signal for the rockets counterattack! Even if they get closer hold them at any cost!

- You heard the boss! Fire in the hole!

Those mutant beings" If we can call actually call them like that", they were more like zombies. Even if they had the shape of people that we used to know.

The creatures were coming for some minutes. But they were like centuries for SG team. The sounds from the guns of a group of soldiers who started their mission looking for disinfected survivors but ended fighting for their own lives were strong enough to be heard even from many miles away.

- Sir they are getting too close!

- Hold the line!

- Get away from me you freak. Ooh!

- Nick god damn it! Sir they have reached our position. They gonna flank us out!

- Now!!!

Meanwhile in another dimension...

Mobius...In a small island and an unnamed village

- Shadow do you understand what are you proposing right?

- Of course, I understand Sonic. I have a brain in my head unlike you and this red asshole!

- Watch your tone pal!

- Guys just relax and let's get over this one more time okay? - said Tails. "So, you want to resurrect an old friend of yours but not in the human form. Did I get that right"?

- That's correct. Not that I don't want her human form but the papyrus that I found in a lost civilization far, far away from here speaks about hedgehogs. In the end that was their kind of civilization.

- That's not is the problem. I still don't understand why you don't want to tell us the whole story.

- Because I don't want to give any answers to you Knuckles! You will learn some things in due time. But only if I wish you to know.

- And how do we know that your plan is not to use the power that we offered you to fight us instead of resurrecting that friend of yours?

- I have no need of more power to take you down faker! You are way too easy to be defeated!

- "Huh!" - Sonic laughed ironically.

- "Anyway" - Tails continued - "We will use the power of the Chaos Emeralds alongside the power of Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles and when everyone will be gathered Shadow will say the words!" -

- "So, you think that it is possible huh?" - Shadow commented.

- My calculations say it is. Even if my power is science and not magic.

- Let's do it then! Guys are you in or not?

- Sonic, are we really going to trust him?

- I don't know Knuckles. I think the same thing as you right now, but I have a feeling that he doesn't want to hurt anyone. At least for the moment.

- Alright! But I will keep a close eye on you Shadow!

- Yeah...whatever you say.

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