Chapter 7

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- "How the fuck do you know our names?" - Knuckles said to SG obviously surprised.

- I don't know how to tell you this. It will sound crazy, but I only thought for so much years that you were fantastic creatures of some video games and shows that I have seen in the past.

- "It sounds crazy. But are not lying. I can see that." - Shadow said - "And I have a feeling that not only you can show us the way around here, but you are destined for something more. Destined for glory."

- I didn't know that humor was part of your character Shadow.

- Don't intermit me SG. Thankfully we have assured that the four Chaos Emeralds are safe from Eggman. The three Emeralds and the Master Emerald have remained into the other dimension with him. I guess you already know for what I'm speaking of?

- The power of them is well-known in this world too Shadow. Even if it's in the weird way I told you.

- "Good. Here, take a gift from me." - Shadow said and threw the yellow Chaos Emerald at SG direction.

- "Shadow I..."- But his sentence was abruptly stopped as the Chaos Emeralds started to unite with him immediately. A huge luminous blast coming from SG was unleashed to the sky and then SG was surrounded by a Yellow-Black Light.

- I don't understand why you did this Shadow. But I must thank you. I feel like a totally new person.

- "Isn't that power sweet?" - Shadow said.

Sonic interrupted the discussion between them. - "I hope that you will use this power wisely mate!"

- "You bet he will" - Knuckles replied - "Otherwise he will have to deal with me."

- "What I think..."- SG said - "Is that we have to do some serious work here. And we will do it. Be sure of that!"

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