Chapter 15

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- "Chargeeeee!" - Princess Sally was leading a sudden assault of the Freedom Fighters into a military camp of Eggman the Emperor of the now fully established Eggman Empire. - "Tails, how is the air support going?"

- Coming right up, Princess!

Amy, Tails, Princess Sally Acorn, Sticks, Acorn Kingdom residents, survivors from the United Federation and many other were the army that consisted the Freedom fighters who were trying to overthrow Eggman's rule. Tails was a great asset for them, offering his knowledge in the scientific part. He even created a small air-fleet of planes like his and trained some pilots how to navigate.

- Syrop and Orange-A team attack the E-Forty-four robots and then cover the Amy assault team!

- "Copy that orange leader!" - Syrop was a pilot in the EAU (Elite Air Units) of the G.U.N. and it was not difficult for him to assimilate all the information that Tails gave him. It wasn't that Tails was exactly a teacher, more like a mentor, but Syrop was his favorite ''student''.

But back in the battlefield, even though the robots were surprised by the attack, their resistance were tough. The fight between the two armies was intense and hard.

- "Damn these robots! If only Sonic was here..." - Amy was smashing one robot behind the other but one part of her thoughts was in another dimension.

- "Not exactly the time to think about your "love" Amy!" – Sticks yelled. Her wildness was always for use for the Freedom Fighters, even though sometimes she was too hot-headed to be controlled.

After the initial part of hard battle, the robots have started to fall back in some areas of the camp. The rebels' moral lifted by that fact gave them even more energy to fight and started to overthrow more of the Eggman's Empire defending positions. But then a terrible sound echoed across the battlefield.

- "That sound...E-Commandos! Princess we must...uhhh!" - Tails gasped. Tornado-Two, Tails' plane was hit by one anti-air missile and started to lose height. Tails was forced to enable the ejection-seat function and to his best luck he managed to reach the ground safe and sound.

- "Hahaha! This world is mine. You shall never take it back! The Eggman Empire is only about to expand. "– Eggman's arrival in the battlefield has only made things worse for the Freedom Fighters, as a part of them had already started to run away.

- "Fall back to the woods immediately!" - Princess order was urgent to save as many of her army as she could.

But one of them was too dedicated not to fight until the end. Syrop was spinning around, avoiding robots and attacks continuing to fight fiercely along with his team...

- "Syrop retreat already! It's an order damn it!" Princess snapped at him.

- Sorry Princess, but it is not possible to go away now. I feel extremely proud that I was able to serve you. Give Tails my sincere regards, it was a great honor for me to meet him. - By saying these words Syrop turned off the communications.

Tails was watching the battle with corner of his eye, while trying to recover quickly to haste back to the forest. But suddenly his eye caught Syrop's plane going into what seems to be a suicidal attack against Dr.Eggman plane followed by his entire team.

- Syrop! Noooooo!

- "For Freedom and Mobius!" Syrop voice sounded confident and sharp.

That were the last words ever told by Syrop.

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