Chapter 1

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- "So, we have reached the Valley of Qubots. Where are those worthless things?" - Shadow said.

- Oh, one of them told that they were going to the new circus on the other side of the island so...

- It was a rhetorical question Tails! For such smart person you have such a childish behavior!

- Let's get straight into the point and leave everything else aside okay Shadow?

- Okay...foxy.

- Form a pentagon with the four Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald.

Shadow was the owner of two Chaos Emeralds and so was Sonic.

- "Live it to me Shadow. We will end faster believe me!" - Sonic said with obvious pride for his speed in his voice.

- "You..." - Shadow murmured something between his lips but haven't said anything loud.

- "All set Tails!" - Sonic reported.

- Okay at my signal all of you will target the center of this pentagon using some of your power and the Chaos Energy special movement, Chaos Control. Then Shadow will say the words.

- "Shut up and let's get started Tails!" - Shadow was very anxious to hear anything from anyone right now.

- Okay. Everyone take a step back. Are you ready?

- "Let's do this!" - All of them answered simultaneously.

- At three! One...two...three...

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