Chapter 19

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- "No!!! How is that even possible? Haven't you said that they were captive people only by our world? Chris was from another planet. Not Earth, not Mobius. And Cheese and Vector? They are dead because of him. Seelkadoom you fucking murderer!" - Sonic was a volcano ready to erupt.

- "Sonic. At this folder says that Chris was just another creation of them to spy at your behavior. And the others behavior of course, though it was not a robot or something like that. They have just taken one random kid from your planet and made him believe that he is another kid named Chris Thorndyke. The same goes for the rest of the ''characters''. And his family of course. As it seems they have just done their experiment in a third planet like Earth as they discovered a portal that lead to it through the power of all Chaos Emeralds. The people that ''colonized'' the third planet were all humans from Mobius who lost technically their memories and ''filled with others'' instead. And so, after some years of building and colonizing they activated a plan called ''Sonic X''." - SG said.

- "Maybe it says these things. But Chris, Vector and Cheese were my friends. And now they are dead because of this god damn government." - Sonic said furiously.

- "Sonic speaks the truth. And they are also hold Maria." - Shadow commented.

Knuckles was devastated from the losses of Vector, Chris, and Cheese even though he was not so close with Chris as Sonic, but Vector was a good friend of him, and he always liked the courtesy of Cream and Cheese. Even so he tried and accomplished to control his darker instinct. Unfortunately for him he understood that two of them were not trying to do that at all. And so, when he looked SG, they already understood that the words from both Sonic and Shadow soon will be over. And actions will be taken. After only some seconds they have seen Sonic transform into a form that nobody of them have ever seen again. The light around him was deep blue but it was not the good-hearted Sonic that they have been used to. It was Dark Super Sonic. Ready to start avenging Vector, Chris, and Cheese deaths.

- "Here I come you fuckers. "- Sonic said with a deep voice coming out from his throat.

Sonic and Shadow started to slaughter many soldiers in the building. They were in berserker mode. Knuckles and SG chose not to try to stop them. Because they thought that in the end the only thing that they will achieve will be to divide the team and most of all they knew that in the end these soldiers had no chance of survival in a conflict like this even though they were not responsible for anything. And so, after some minutes of craziness Sonic and Shadow exited the building. But before they leave California for good, they assured that the whole building will be blown up by Chaos Energy.

- "Sonic, Shadow..."- SG says to the now normal-shaped Sonic and to Shadow - "I will not judge you for anything. But Chris, Vector and Cheese bodies were still inside the building..."

Shadow immediately answered. - "It will be no use either for them or for us to dig their bodies in an outland place for them or even more carry two corpses for the rest of our journey."

- "Sonic are you alright?" - SG said as he saw Sonic that now have turned into his normal form at his knees with his eyes closed.

- No SG, I'm not. I have just done something that I will regret for the rest of my life. But Shadow is right. Giving them an honorary funeral will not help us bring them back.

- "Neither will revenge." - Shadow said. - "But it will help us be even with these bastards."

Knuckles didn't say anything. But his nod was enough for everyone to understand his intentions.

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