Chapter 6

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- "Is it time for us to go right?" - Irene asked SG.

- Yeah. We will arrive in the shelter at seven or eight hours depending in our rate. The route will be much longer, but it will be much safer too.

- "You do not have to worry about anything Irene." Constantine said as he was extinguishing the fire next to them. "We have gone through this route one million times already. Of course, anything can happen but usually we don't have any unintended guests."

-That's something nice to hear Constantine.

- "Speak of the devil. Constantine can you hear something?" SG said.

- "It's just the wind." - Constantine said - "You don't have to worry all the time you know."

Suddenly a terrifying scream was heard from the forest near the camp of the group of survivors.

- "Damn it! That was Bill! What the fuck happened to him?" - SG said obviously alerted.

Nicolaus, the soldier who was doing the watch together with Bill run towards SG and after he arrived all hot and bothered, he said upset to SG" They attacked us! They are too many of them! And Bill!"

- "Shit!" - Constantine voice was colored by despair. - "We don't even have the time to run. I see them already. And they are coming from behind too!"

- "I don't want to die!" - Irene shouted.

SG was already firing the mutants with his assault rifle. – "I guess that we don't have any other choice than to fight until our last breath and hope for a miracle. Everybody take a gun quickly! These motherfuckers will not kill us that easily!" - Every remaining soldier and even Irene have followed SG order and taken a gun quickly.

- "They are almost here!"- One of the soldiers shouted.

The mutants quickly reached the group of the survivors. - "John, Sam hold on! No, you fucking bastards!" - SG yelled as he saw that two of his soldiers were already falling dead from the ''monsters''. The group started to perish soon. Irene was behind SG trying to forearm her weapon, but she was not so lucky in doing that.SG took the gun from her hands and forearm it quickly." Just aim and pull the fucking trigger!"

- "SG! I don't think we can last any longer!" - Constantine said.

- "Just continue to fight Const..." - But before he could finish his sentence a blue and a black-red blur passed in front of him and started to exterminate the mutants. - "Go go go! Hit them hard!" - SG was thrilled to see that he had some unexpected allies, but he was also very surprised about what he was witnessing.

At this point a strange red creature also arrived and started fighting alongside them. The surprise of everyone there was obvious, but no one was more shocked than SG.

- "It can't be! Knuckles..." - SG said as he was finishing another one mutant.

Shadow turned towards SG direction looking him instantly at the eyes and then yelled to Sonic. - "Let's do this!" - Shadow raised to the air and Sonic did the same thing...

- Chaos...

- Control!

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