Chapter 34

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Sonic and SG was already near Robotropolis when they stopped to scout for any guards they will have to pass before they enter the sewers.

- "We are going to save a planet and we will go through shit to do that. Like literally." - SG said.

- Oh, common SG. This is the least of our problems right now. You know that.

- Yeah, we are on an important mission right now I know it Sonic. Please remember something that I don't know. And I'm sure that for you the problems are even bigger. - SG said ironically.

- "My problems can wait SG." - Sonic said with serious style.

- "Wait what the fuck is..." - But before SG can finish his sentence Seelkadoom punched him with a Chaos Blast to a tree.

- Seelkadoom. How did you find us?

- Oh, common little brother. It's not so difficult. I'm sure that even a brain like yours can understand that.

SG was already again in his feet as he shouted at Seelkadoom. - "It doesn't matter how have you find us asshole! Get lost or you will be past soon!"

- "Huh." - Seelkadoom snorted - "You are sure that you don't care?"

Back at Freedom's Fighters camp...

- "Have anyone of you see Cosmo recently?" - Maria the Hedgehog αsked a few soldiers who were left to guard the camp.

They nodded negatively.

- "She could not really go. Could she?" Maria the Hedgehog thought.

In Freedom's Fighters army march...

- "Princess they are coming from everywhere! We cannot hold them anymore!" - Mina said.

- Damn it! How in Mobius hell did they know that we are coming?

Emperor's Eggman elite forces led by Emperor Eggman's himself have opened the path in front of Princess Sally, Mina, Tails and Knuckles position.

- "I can answer it for you darling. Or shall I call you little former Princess?" - Emperor Eggman said ironically - "Look above in the hill."

And as she looked up, she saw Cosmo and Antoine D' Coolete.

- No, it is not possible...Why? - Tails said heartbroken.

- "Because my little foxy everyone and everything has a price. And if this price comes with a little bit of promising power the cocktail gets even better." - Emperor Eggman answered. - "Oh, and I have another surprise for you. Do you recognize her?" - Emperor Eggman said and robotized Bunnie came forward.

- "Bunnie. It's no use to fight anymore." - Princess Sally said - "We just send more of our men to the death. We are outnumbered, we are flanked, and they are coming from everywhere. Everyone stop fighting! Eggman stop it! We surrender!

- You finally understood that you have no chance? Oh, that's sweet. I will accept that. But only to see your two friends die and your soldiers get robotized.

- You know about them too...

- "You think that they told me only about the army that it was supposed to hit Robotropolis?" - Emperor Eggman laughed and continued his phrase. - "But the one thing I can't understand yet is how you were even a princess. And how this idiot orange creature was supposed to be a smart opponent by the most of my E-Generals. You told Antoine the plan because he supposed to love Bunnie and because you are her best friend and Tails said the plan to Cosmo because he loves her so much. You see you cannot trust people at all. Not even if love is a big matter to them. Cosmo had her hesitations for example. She tried to persuade me to let Tails live and to not robotize him. I couldn't agree in something like that of course. Antoine did not have such problems fortunately. But in the end, they both did the right thing. Now that I explained everything to you...Soldiers! Start arresting these scums!

- "Nobody is gonna fucking touch me!" - Knuckles said and rushed to Emperor Eggman. But before he can reach him thousands of robots ended the thread of his life.

Near Robotropolis...

The fight between Hyper SG, Hyper Sonic and and Apex Seelkadoom was intense and heavy for a long time. The strikes were coming another after that the other from the three of them.

- "Chaos Control!" - Hyper SG said but Apex Seelkaddom blocked him with an Ultra Shield.

- "Ahhhh!" - Hyper Sonic roared and attempted to spin dash Apex Seelkaddom but he stopped him and throw him away just with his palm.

"Enough with this little foreplay." - Apex Seelkadoom said. - "I will end you once and for all! "

And after that he trapped with just one movement both of our heroes in a Chaos Control Sphere.

- "Any last words gentlemen?" - Apex Seelkadoom asked with derogatory tone in his voice.

- "Not so fast motherfucker." - Shadow said and immediately transformed to Hyper Shadow.

- "Shadow!" - Sonic yelled - "What took you so long?"

- "Νow I was waiting to catch you two...but look at you. I have a nice gift ready to be opened here. I suppose you came to meet your death Shadow?

- Just surrender Seelkadoom. Everything is over.

- Have Earth made you lost your mind Shadow?

- "In that case I have indeed a gift for you." - Shadow said as he showed the four Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald to him.

- "It can't be!" - Apex Seelkadoom said obviously shocked.

And Hyper Shadow with a quick movement unleashed Hyper SG and Hyper Sonic from their Chaos Energy "Cells". They quickly run next to him and now the seven Chaos Emeralds started to spin around them with the Master Emerald above their heads.

Apex Seelkadoom just closed his eyes.

- Chaos Control!

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