Chapter 21

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Mobius, Mobotropolis, capital of the former Acorn Kingdom. Now named Robotropolis. The capital of The Eggman Empire.

The Robo-General was coming towards another robot, sitting and making calculations at the Conference Room of Emperor's Eggman palace. - "Report to the Emperor immediately E-Supervisor!" -

- Yes sir! I was just ending with the...

- I don't care. Go as fast as you can. You know that the Emperor hates any kind of delay.

E-Supervisor rushed himself quick to the throne room were Emperor Eggman was waiting for him sitting at his throne. - "What took you so long, pathetic machine?"

- I'm sorry Emperor I was just trying to be as more precise as I could with the calculations.

- Cut the chatter and just tell me how the process of robotization is going.

- Sir eighty-five percent of city population is already robotized. The rest caught to leave the city.

- "Heh-heh! It doesn't matter. The experiment is going very well. Soon I will expand it to every place to this planet and the others to come. Very well E-Supervisor. You are dismissed." - E-Supervisor left the throne room quickly. - "Robo-General!"

- My Emperor!

- Report me the status of the fight against these scums.

- They are fighting persistent globally, but they don't have the power to beat us. They will be crushed for sure.

- Have our army any luck at catching this so called ''Princess''?

- Unfortunately, not my Emperor.

- Make sure that I don't hear her name or title ever again. And do it quick.

- As you command sir.

- Now how the gathering of information for the other plans is going?

- It was not easy to send some drone spies of ours through this portal at so narrow time, but they have given us vital information about the situation in Earth right now. Seems like an easy place to invade. Humans are fighting with some beings called ''Mutants'' and they are weak right now. And I'm sure that we can take down both them and the mutants. The only persons that can only resist our army is Seelkadoom, Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles and one human ally of them. They will be defeated for sure, but they will be a bad pain in the ass.

-Don't be so sure about that. But yeah, everything will be easier if this portal was able to open again. Because now I must find another way to repair it or create a new one without the power of the Master Emerald to invade Earth. But even so it was another one miracle of mine that I even opened this portal for a while so I can to send my drones. Anyway, what about the rest drones?

- There is one planet called Cascade. They still ''digging'' for more information.

- Make sure that they will continue to. Oh, and Robo-General?

- Yes Emperor?

- Learn more about that human.

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