Chapter 30

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Shadow was having a conversation with Sonic while SG together with Molly has taken the difficult part of explain to every person that they may lost many of their favorite persons forever. Mina wasn't in any position to do something like that.

- What have you found Shadow?

- Everything is in the way that I thought it will be. Eggman have conquered this planet with almost no resistance. The only good for you is that some persons are trying to resist him right now. Not with great success but they are trying anyway.

- Okay, now I'm curious. What do you mean by that, for you?

- For starters I will give you a briefing about the persons. These persons just left for a mission and Princess Sally is in command of this mission. The rest of them are Tails, Amy, and Sticks. And I will give you a bonus info. Guess who have allied with Eggman.

- Seelkadoom.

- That's correct. But to answer to your other question these are the last favors that I have done for you. I'm not coming again.

- You can't be serious. Eggman have conquered Mobius. You are not gonna help in defeating him?

- I don't give a fuck Sonic. I have my two favorite persons again in my life. And I'm not going to risk losing them again for a fight of yours.

- Listen pal, I can't think in which matter are you more wrong. To the fact that you think that Maria and Molly while agree with you ignoring what is happening here. Or to the fact that you are acting like an asshole to the other Maria.

- That's none of your business.

- You think so. I helped also in her creation, remember? And except of that I don't like to see any iniquity happening to anyone.

SG joined the conversation suddenly.

- I must agree that the human Maria and Molly will call you also an asshole too with your behavior in this subject. Now I don't what they will say about the war but what you will do for it is up to you and only you.

- Okay listen both of you. We have created her to replace the real Maria that I considered dead. Now that we found that the she is alive, that makes her just a replica of the real to one.

- "That's the sanity of a monster Shadow. And I know that you are not something like that." - Sonic said.

- "You think so?" - Shadow answered.

- "I don't think anything. I'm sure." - Sonic said.

- "And even so you don't want to fight Seelkadoom at all, Shadow?" - SG said.

- You can take of him if you want. But if you fail, something that is the most likely scenario to happen, then I will take care of him alone when the time will be right.

- "The right time is now, damn it! All of us united against him we stood better chances that hitting him one by one." - SG said.

- "Get lost SG." - Shadow said and after that left and took Maria Robotnik and Molly with him.

- "You think that he will change his mind?" - SG said.

- He was always a lonely wolf, SG. Habits don't change so easily. And after all he is Shadow. Nobody can predict him.

Before some minutes just a few meters away from Sonic and Shadow...

- "Where is Jet and Wave?" - Molly asked SG.

- I don't know. They said that they will leave as soon as they can when we reached Mobius. Guess that this phrase was not just for fun. As for Vanilla and Cream Sonic already explained them everything so they need some time alone. Cream really loved her Chao you know. And her mother loves her also.

- I understand. She will play her role as a mother. You saw Knuckles, Rouge or Julie-Su?

- No. They will probably deal with their problems somewhere else right now. Now listen, you remember everything that we discussed? The life stories that I was telling you about?

- Yes, I remember them.

- Nice. Then you will tell the consecution to Daniel, Frances, and Helen. Take it easy all right?

- All right SG.

Cosmo, Antoine D' Coolete and both of Maria's. - "Okay let's start with the quick ones." - SG thought.

- Human Maria, Hedgehog Maria, Cosmo, and Antoine please come here.

They quickly came in front of him.

- Maria, I'm sure that Shadow must be the one to explain you everything. So, after they end with their conversation over there you can join him and have your questions answered. I'm sure that you missed him a lot after so much time.

- You are totally right.

- Don't worry you will have plenty of time to replenish from now on. Sound and free.

- "Ha-ha." - Maria laughed in SG words.

- Nice. Now Cosmo about Tails, Sonic told me some things, but he will tell you anything that you would like to know until the time that Eggman forced them out of the dimension.

- Eggman? Is this the same Eggman that I knew?

- Yes, he is Cosmo. Now, Antoine I wish that I had good news for you but only know that Eggman has Bunnie and the Freedom Fighters are going into a rescue mission with Princess Sally in charge. But I promise you that we will aslo search to find her okay?

- They must find her. I can't live without her.

- "And now the difficult part." - SG thought.

- Thank you for your patience and your apprehension guys. Now can you please leave me alone with the hedgehog Maria for a while?

They left quickly but when SG looked at Maria the Hedgehog her face was full of tears as she was still looking the human Maria. He was ready to start talking but instead of that he just sit next to her and hugged her.

Maria the Hedgehog lean her gink in SG's body.

- He thinks that I shall not be here right? That now that he has the real Maria, I must go away.

- Maria, listen I don't know why he is doing this. But I'm sure that he will understand his mistake.

- I really want to believe this SG. But I'm sure that it is not gonna happen.

SG thought of many answers to this. He hasn't said anything loud though. He just passed his hand across Maria the Hedgehog's hair and billed them.

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