Chapter 31

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- "We are almost there." - Tails said.

- "Finally." - Princess Sally commented.

- "I love forests. But fuck this one. I don't like it. And it is too dangerous by its looks." - Sticks commented.

- "Common, let's go. The scouts said that the entrance of the forest is clear." - Princess Sally said.

- "Yeah, my e-scouter agrees with them too." - Tails said.

The team of the Freedom Fighters entered the forest quick after the order of Princess Sally. They walked for some hundred meters before Tails heard a noise.

- "Do you hear that?" - Tails said.

Suddenly some metal spiders showed up and start run towards them.

- "Take cover, quick!" - Amy said.

They avoid them before they explode in front of them.

- "This fucker is here. We are going out of this forest to be safe for sure." - Princess Sally said.

- "Oh, common now Sally we are not gonna find anything about what's happened inside there?" - Amy said.

- "You know the definition of the word order, I'm sure of that Amy." - Princess Sally answered.

- "As you command, Princess." - Amy said obviously disappointed.

But as they were going out of the forest noises of a battle start to sound.

- "Fuck this. I'm going in again." - Amy said.

- "I'm with you. Even though I still have a bad feeling." - Sticks said.

- "It seems that someone is fighting Eggman forces. Whoever it is we are on the same side." - Tails said.

- I still believe it is not a wise move. But whoever it is needs our help. I agree in that. We are going back again!" - Princess Sally said.

They hasted themselves inside the forest but when they reached the battle's location the battle was already over.

- "What the hell was all of this about?" - Shadow said.

- "I don't know mate. Possibly a gesture of welcome?" - Sonic said sarcastically but after he over his phrase, he "froze" for some seconds.

- "Sonic!" - Tails said and run to hug his friend.

Sonic hugged Tails tightly and then hugged Sticks as the others were greeting each other already. But then he saw two pairs of eyes looking him not inside his own eyes but somewhere even deeper. Inside his soul.

- "Girls. Nice to see you again. I'm going to scout in case of any Eggman robot is still alive and functionable." - Sonic said and left but his voice was cold enough for both girls.

- "I think that he still needs his time." - Princess Sally said.

- "Not even a hug?" - Amy said loud but she was not speaking to Princess Sally. She was practically asking herself a rhetorical question.

In the meantime, Sonic was not scouting for any enemy. He was just running as fast as he was able to. Because that was his way to think.

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