Chapter 11

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- "Where the hell are, we now? Aren't you supposed to know better than us?" - Shadow yelled at SG.

- Yeah like I didn't already told you that I had come to these places only one time and that was by a fucking bus. This makes my task of remembering these places a little bit more difficult you know.

- "Whatever. We have done enough distance for today. We can camp here and rest." - The 3 of them laid their backs in a ruined wall looking at the stars were SG was doing the same thing, but he was standing. – "Okay so it seems that SG will be the first to do a watch. SG in how many days are you calculating that we will reach USA?"

- If our meetings with the mutants are as rare as for this day and if we continue at the same rate and of course transform into our super form to fly over the Atlantic Ocean I calculate that it will be one week at least. Not of course that even we had the time we will be able swim over the Atlantic Ocean. Our blue friend here is a little bit naive in that.

- Ha! Very funny SG! At least I have more speed than any of you here!

- "But no brain as it seems. How many times must I say to you that you must keep up your brain with your legs?" - Shadow replied to Sonic. – "Whatever. Shadow, I remember that you told us that we will learn some things in time. Care to share? We are trapped in another dimension now and we have a little time before we sleep." - Knuckles commented.

- I...humph...SG you like to tell the story? It is not pleasant for me to say it. And that is the reason I haven't say it ever until now.

- No problem Shadow but if you don't want to tell them anything it's your choice and I'm going to respect it. But if you want to tell them it's also your choice too. Everything must come from your lips though. That's the right thing to do.

- "Seems I have no other option huh?" - Shadow just smiled for one second but his smile was bitter. – " So, fifty-two years ago the government of the United Federation of Humans back in Mobius started a top secret-project called ''Project Shadow' at Space Colony ARK."

- Wait you are saying that you are an alien? Ha-ha! Doesn't seem strange to me.

- Don't interrupt me Sonic. The goal of that project led by Professor Gerald Robotnik, grandfather of Eggman was to create The Ultimate Lifeform, for military reasons of course. Though Gerald had nobler intentions and important misgivings to the purpose of the research and the project, he accepted the scientific leadership of it. His goal was to save his granddaughter Maria who suffered from an incurable disease called Neuro Immunodeficiency Syndrome which made her remaining time of life limited. And Gerald was willing to do whatever it took to save her life. Even with the resources at his disposal, Gerald was unable to make significant progress. Without alerting anyone he decided to plea to the stars for help, contacting the Black Arms race. An alien civilization that lived upon the Black Comet, a celestial object that passed near the planet every nearly fifty years. And the Black Doom, the leader of this race offered his blood which ended up being the key to create The Ultimate Lifeform in exchange for the seven Chaos Emeralds, which he would collect the next time he passed through. And even though that their intentions were to conquer Mobius his love for Maria were so strong that he sealed the deal and We were best friends with Maria, but someone leaked how I have been created and that was the beginning of the end. As ties between the ARK and the United Federation had already been strained, hearing the news of the dealings with an alien race scared those in charge and they decided to launch an invasion that led to...uhhh I don't have the courage to describe it even now. Knowing that the G.U.N. forces would be there at any moment, Maria convinced me to enter an escape pod and give me her final wish. That I give the people of Mobius a chance to be happy and leave well.

Shadow paused his speech for a little as his mind has given him a flashback of the last words of Maria Robotnik.

- ''Sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog".

He took a deep breath and continued.

"And so, when they stormed into the lab the only thing that I have seen before I left were the shot that killed my best friend. This moment changed my life forever. But to get back into the subject after Maria's death Gerald went mad and swear vengeance over humanity. But it was late for him as I have already been putted into cryogenic storage that I have remained for fifty years before Eggman waked me up. In the end he had been executed in prison after charged with the crimes that happened aboard the ARK."

- Shadow, I don't know what to say. If only I have known what you have been through before. I'm sorry...

- I don't need your sympathy nor your apologies faker.

- "I have two questions." - Knuckles said obviously sceptic. - "What happened after Eggman have waked you up?"

- I haven't know who he was then but I couldn't still trust a human by remembering what they have done. For the past two years and after my search to find what happened I have been sure that I have taken the correct decision. This man there is just an exception to the rule for some reason.

SG face had all lightened up.

- And the second one. You said that Black Arms would take the seven Chaos Emeralds after fifty years. Haven't they passed already?

- Fifty years yes. More or less. Nobody has heard anything for them from then. But I don't think that we will miss my "friends" for much more.

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