Chapter 5

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- It still seems strange to me that you are so happy Shadow.

- Why I should not be Sonic? My best friend is back and even if she is at a different form, she has the heart and soul of Maria.

- That's true. But why can't you use this spell again?

- Because the papyrus told that this is a one-use spell. It is not so difficult to understand even for slow-minded people like yourself!

- Happier or not you will always get in my nerves Shadow!

- Screw you Sonic...hey wait a second. What's that thing in the sky?

- It's an Eggman...air base? Seems strange though. I haven't seen anything like that from him before.

- "Sonic, Shadow!" - Tails said as he arrived with his plane. – "I have located a high use of energy from Eggman Death Egg."

- Eggman Death Egg? Really? Have you just come up with this name?

- "Sonic, Eggman must have found the remaining Chaos Emeralds. This is the energy that Tails is speaking about. I can sense it." - As Shadow said that a robot came to them with a message in a holographic projector from Dr. Eggman.

- "Pathetic creatures! Prepare to witness the start of the Eggman Empire!" - As the message stopped an army of robots started to come towards Shadow, Sonic, and Tails.

- "He never tires up huh?" - Sonic said obviously annoyed.

The battle was destined to end soon as the three teammates took down the robots easily.

- "Let's go for the main menu, shall we?" -Shadow said and start move towards Eggman fortress.

Sonic jumped in Tails plane following Shadow right away. The company of 3 arrived in the flying fortress after a quick battle with the Egg drones but they were surprised to see that Knuckles was already there as well smashing his way to the interior of Eggman's base.

- "Knuckles what are you doing here?" - Tails said.

- Every matter involving Chaos Emeralds, or the Master Emerald is my problem too.

- What are you speaking about?

- He has stolen the Master Emerald from me. And I'm gonna get it back.

- "Continue to chat while I'm making my perfect weapon morons." - Eggman's voice were loud enough to be heard all over the base through the speakers.

- "Quick! Let's find Eggman!" - Sonic said.

Sonic, Shadow, Tails and Knuckles rushed their way to the main hall defeating many of the Eggman's badniks in the meanwhile including even Bigger Digger Robot.

- "What is that thing Eggman?" - Knuckles said while looking at a strange capsule as they arrived at Eggman's Death Egg Control Room.

- How naive you are! This attack was planned only to collect your DNA and record your battle styles! Together with the power of the Master Emerald and the three Chaos Emeralds I will create a creature that will take all of you down. Then the Eggman Empire will be finally created! Muahahahaha!

- "Damn! He has the three remaining Chaos Emeralds too!" - Knuckles said furious.

While saying those words Eggman pressed a button that activated a machine behind the capsule. The shaking and the light were so intense that made everybody fall into the ground. When the light faded out Sonic saw a blur shadow in the smoke.

- Tails go away quick.

- I can't...

- Now! Secure Amy Sticks and the rest of the village!

Tails left rapidly as he understood that Sonic was very serious in his telling. After some seconds something hit Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles hard.

- "What is that thing?" -Shadow said trying to stand on his knees.

- "This is my newest and most destructive creation." - Eggman said as this new Blue-black Hedgehog eventually came out of the smoke. "Allow me to introduce you...Sonaw! But I see he has some defects. I must make some corrections after he kills you. Why didn't you catch Tails?"

- Shut up old man! I have no interest on him. He has no power. And who even gave you the right to name me? I am not your pet. I am my own master. My name is Seelkadoom...Seelkadoom the Hedgehog!

- "This can't be happening! I'm his creator and yet I don't have any control over him!" - Eggman gasped in despair. - "I guess I have no other choice than to activate Plan-B".

Eggman pressed a button in a mini controller that he was holding in his palm and the ground started to tremble keenly again. A blue-red portal opened and took inside by force everyone except Eggman. The vortex was too strong for them to resist!

- Have fun in another dimension, you fools! You will never be able to come back. It's my time to conquer this island and then the whole world!

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