Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

AN: I just want to say that I do not own Jurassic Park or any of its characters. I only own some of the plot and my own OCs. The story line does not really truly follows the main story line.
Just to inform you all. The story will mainly be written in two POVs unless stated otherwise. One would be my OC, it will be in normal text while the POV for the main raptor of the story would be in bold.

"Rae! Are you there? Rae! Rae!" A male voice shouted, waking me from sweet slumber. With a groan, I rolled on the bed and reached out blindly for the source of the voice. After a few unsuccessful attempts and the continuous shouting, I finally managed to grab hold of the handheld radio.

"What Arnold!" I groaned.

"What took you so long to answer the damn radio?" He scolded.

"Well Ar. For starters how bout the fact that I had only got into bed two hours ago. Secondly, I just got off a 32 hours shift from removing plants that you scientists deemed unsafe to be in the enclosures after planting them." I mumbled still sleepy.

"Well you can get your butt up and start a new shift." Arnold answered.

"What! But..." I never got to finish my sentence before I got cut off.

"Don't but me Rae! It's important to stick to the schedule! The first guests invited by Hammond will be arriving in two weeks and everything has to be perfect!" Arnold rattled, leaving me no room to argue.

"Okay okay. I'm up." I growled, sitting up from my comfy bed.

"Good! Meet Simon for your assignment at the lobby in fifteen minutes." Arnold ordered before cutting the line. I pulled myself out of the bed and into the tiny bathroom that was connected to my room. I tossed the radio onto the shelf on the way. I took a quick shower and freshened myself.

Maybe a short introduction is appropriate at this very moment. HI! My name is Rae Akatsuki. I am a 17-year-old girl that works as a gardener-slash-part time assistant park warden. Well to tell you the truth I don't work with a zoo with harmless animals like deer, zebras and hippos, whoops, hippos aren't really harmless. Well I work in a park that houses top notch predators. No, they are not lions or tigers or crocodiles or the like. The park that I work at is on a island somewhere, I really can't remember but that ain't the problem here. This park belongs to a guy Hammond and it displays Dinosaurs. Real life ones that he and a bunch of scientist recreates using some DNA or the sort. Yea so now you guys get the picture that I am in?

The temperature on this island is humid so I threw on a pair of jungle khakis, sleeveless grey vest shirt and then a jungle shirt over it. I pulled back my hair into a high ponytail and clipped the radio to my back pocket before leaving my room to find Simon.


"We need you to go into the creature's enclosure to help remove this plant and plant these." Simon, head park warden, greeted me once he saw me and handled me a file of the plants involved.

"Morning to you too Simon. I'm fine this morning, thanks for asking." I answered as I took the file from him and flipping through it.

"You are going into the creature's home. Be serious!" Simon reprimanded.

"The creature is called a Raptor Simon. I am being serious!" I answered, having this conversation for what felt like the hundred and second time with him. Really he can just call the Raptor a Raptor and not creature. I mean, you don't see me going around calling people, people now do you?

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