Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

AN: I don't own anything but my Ocs! I have work again! The vet called to say that he will rehire me for the holidays! Anyway, I have a new favourite TV show, HELL'S KITCHEN!

Sorin's POV

I quickly carried my baby back to our nest and deposited her gently as possible onto the soft leaves but a whimper of pain still passed from her chaffed lips. With little hesitation, I licked her wounds as our saliva as a little bit of healing properties but I had to work quickly as she was bleeding pretty badly.
With every lick, my Rae hissed in pain but I had no choice.
"Oi! You are going to infect her wounds!" A male voice suddenly interrupted. I turned around and saw Josh the human male running towards us.
"I'm trying to help!" I hissed at him.
"I have no idea what you're trying to say but I can help." Josh replied, taking a cautious step backwards as I made one forward in response.
"I have no need for you help!" I snarled.
"Now, now Sorin, maybe it is best to hear what he has to say first." Tama suggested.
"For what!" I growled. All I want them to do is to leave me alone so that I can tend to my mate. She was now pale and unconscious and that was never good.
"Maybe he can really help." Lexus said.
"How would you know." I glared.
"Hello...." Josh said.
"Maybe he is a human medicine man?" Lucus offered.
"And how would you know that." I sighed, "Can't you all just leave me alone so that I can care for my mate!"
"Uhmm... Is anyone listening to me?" Josh asked.
"Let's ask him a medical question." Tanya suggested.
"Fine! Go ahead and ask him. I bet you he knows nuts!" I groaned.
"Uh... What kind of question should I ask him?" Tanya thought.
"OOO...a simple one like what would he do when he get's a torn talon!" Lucas shouted.
"They don't have talons you dimwit!" Lynn hissed, "And Hush! Beta Rae is asleep."
"She is unconscious and that is not good. Now can I look after my mate without all of you squawking around here!" I growled.
"I need your help Sorin!" Josh yelled.
"What is it you want Human!" I yelled.
"Um... Since I finally have your attention. I just want to say that I need your help to lead me back to the dorms to get a first aid kit and to get back here as fast as possible." Josh said.
"I am not leaving my mate!" I yelled praying hard that for once they will listen, "Now leave us in peace!"
"She is going to die of blood loss or infection if we don't hurry and get the first aid kit!" Josh persuaded.
"I..." I started.
"Sorin! Now is not the time to be so bull-headed. Accept Josh's help and hurry get this first aid kit that he speaks off." Mother cuts in.
"But!" I said but kept quiet after a glare from mother.
"Fine... Come on Josh... Try to keep up." I growled before taking off.
"Hey wait up!" Josh cried, running after Sorin.

A while later

Josh's POV

"Damn do you run fast. Wait pant pant wait up!" I gasped fighting my way through the thick bushes so as to keep up with Sorin. "Oh we are here. Good boy Sorin! " All I got in return was a warning growl. I guess he does not like being called boy. Anyway, I quickly went straight to the medical room located on the fourth floor of the dorms and dug around for the first aid kit and whatever else I would require for helping Rae

Sorin's POV

We came back to the human nesting site and Josh, ran off to who knows where but it does not matter as long as he comes back with that first aid kit he talks about. I myself headed straight for my baby's room. As I got nearer and nearer to her nest's entrance, there was a very foul smell like that of rotting meat.
I pushed open the door and there in the ground was the rotting remains of what seemed to be a raptor. Now that sent alarm bells ringing in my head. Reasons why.
Well. One is that none of my pack members are dead, two; Eliza is also dead and this was definitely not her. She is most likely lying at the very bottom of the pit. So who the heck was this? Why was he or she in my baby's nest? Where did this fella come from?

Josh's POV

"Sorin! Sorin! Where are you? I found the first aid kit. We can go back now!" I yelled looking around for my guise back to the nest Suddenly he popped out from the stairwell scaring the hell out of me.
"Alright. We can go now." I said as he tilted his head curiously at the first aid box in my hand. "Oh that, that is what we had to find." I offered, not very sure if he understood me. He stared hard at me for a few seconds and all I felt was a quick pull on my hand and he was out of the building.
I looked down and saw that the first aid box was no longer in my grasp. What the!
"Oooi! Wait up Sorin!" I shouted taking after the raptor that had just stolen the first aid kit from me.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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