Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

AN: Thanks you all of the kind people that reviewed and gave advice. I am really grateful. Anyway, I will be flying off tomorrow on a trip and will probably back sometime next week. Do not worry, I will spend the time not moping but enjoying myself and brainstorming more ideas.

Josh's Pov

I stood in disbelief at the sight before me. There was bandages everywhere, the chicks were running amok and Sorin was being bullied by his brother.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I shouted, and everyone stopped what they were doing.
"You are dirtying the bandages!" I yelled, running around trying to salvage as many of the bandages as possible, brushing the dirt off them.
"Give me that." I snapped, snatching the first aid box from the jaws of a stunned Tama. Gathering as much as possible, I quickly went to where Rae laid and started the long process of patching her up.
I stitched up the more major wounds before slabbing on some anitibiotic cream and wrapping them up with the bandages. Since most of the bandages would have to be washed first before I could use them, I used most of the small plasters to cover up the minor wounds. I also gave her an antibiotic shot that was pre-prepared. All that we could do now, was wait for her to wake up.

Raptors' Pov/ Sorin's Pov

"Wow, who knew that Josh had an alpha in him." Lexus said, breaking the silence as they watched said human attend to Rae.
"Yea. It is kinda of sexy." Lucas whistled. Everyone stared at him.
"WHAT?" He asked, "I'm only stating the truth!"
"Sigh..." Everyone sighed, well, everyone except..
"Now, now little bro, I am sure that Josh knows what he is doing." Tanya, comforted him, but he was already charging forward.
SPLAT! (AN: soundeffects)
"Your sister is right, you know." Leon added.
"A....ah... Even if she is, would you get off my tail..." Sorin groaned, but it was muffled by the fact that he was kissing the ground.
"Ah. Sorry." Leon apologized, though he did not look as though he meant it and lifted his foot off Sorin's tail.
"Alright, let's sit back and watch Josh work his magic." Lexus and Lucus announced, shooing all the chicks back to their parents before setteling back in their own nests.

Rae's Pov

I am still alive? I thought as I slowly and painfully opened my eyes but I had to close them again quickly.
"Argh!" I gasped, raising an arm to block out the sun.
"Rae! You are awake!" I heard a voice shout.
"Rae!" Another voice, slightly lower called.
"Beta Rae!" A high pitched voice screamed.
"Hey there." I rasped, as the white glare in my eyes cleared to reveal Josh, Sorin and Marron standing relieved over me.

AN: Fast forwarding a bit

Two weeks later

I can finally stand up and walk by myself after so long. Thank god. Now Josh, Marron and Sorin can stop hovering beside me all the time. I mean, yea it is very sweet of them to take such good care of me but a girl needs her space!
"Sorin! I am going to take a shower." I said, slowly getting up from my 'prison', our nest for the past two weeks.
"Okay. I will follow you." Sorin answered, also getting up from his conversation with his mother.
"It's okay, I can go by myself." I replied quickly, "I am fully recovered now." Please oh please, just let me go by myself. I want some time to myself. Plus, I am going to bathe!
"No you are not! What happens if you faint on the way? What if you get attacked? What if you tripped?" Sorin exclaimed.
"What?" I spluttered, " I... I"
"Now, Now son. Let the poor child breathe. The waterfall is near enough for her to go alone. I am also sure that she will not trip or faint." Mother cut in, saving me from having to think of an answer.
"But.." Sorin started.
"Bye!" I yelled, quickly limping away.
"Fifteen minutes! Fifteen Minutes before I search for you." Sorin shouted.
"Fine!" I called back.

At the water fall

Ah... This is the life. I feel clean again, all the dirt and grime from my fight with Eliza and two weeks bed rest is finally gone. Speaking of the crazy Bitch, I wonder if she is dead? Hmm... She should be, after all that was one deep hole...
Argh.. Who cares.. I shall enjoy as much of this alone time as possible before I have to go back to Sorin, the worrywart.

Unknown Raptor's Pov

This ugly deformed creature playing in the water is the human that Eliza talked about? It walks on two legs! It has a weird flat face, no scales, no claws and no feathers, only the ankle markings of a beta female.
This harmless looking thing not only defeated Eliza but is the Beta female of the main island pack of raptors. There must be something special about this female human that makes her the alpha male's choice of a mate.
Taking one last look at the human as she played in the water, I left the waterfall. I will be seeing her again. Up close and personal.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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