Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

AN: Hiya. I'm back after my first week of school and is currently swimming through a whole pile of projects. I have a 8 minute long Japanese script, a full report on my problem solving techniques project and a 5 min long speech on intelligent animals: Parrots. All by this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Best part of all, is that they are still not complete, I only have the drafts.

Note to Spinosarus 666: I don't mind.Note to All: Thanks for the reviewsAnyway, onward with the story but just remember that I do not own Jurassic Park, only the OCs. I am very sorry but this will be a short chapter. It's all can come up with now.

It was ten plus at night, the weather was just horrible, this storm is a killer! I could barely make out what was one meter in front of me! Gripping my hood above my head, I forced my way blindly while trying not to get blown away by the gushing winds. Sorin was walking besides me; the weather did not seem to bother him at all. Lucky dog, well raptor in this case.
Finally, we reached the cross-junction that lead to either the visitors' center & staff center or the carnivores'' enclosures or the open enclosures where we house the herbivores like the triceratops.
"Alright. Come on, we are almost there Sorin." I shouted over the pounding rain and winds. I headed to the left towards the carnivores' enclosures when suddenly Sorin blocked my path.
"What? Sorin now ain't the time to play or anything. Let's get you home and me back to bed." I said but he did not budge. I tried to go around him but was stopped by his tail.
"Sorin! I'm being serious here! You can't stay outside here! Let's get you home!" I yelled, getting a little irritated. I made to step around him but this time he grabbed me with his teeth and threw me gently towards the right path, towards the open enclosures.
"Shit! Come one Sorin, I'm in no mood to play with you or the triceratops. Let me pass and get you home." I snapped, sitting up, my mood getting from bad to worse. Sorin just stared back hard at me before pointing his head towards the open enclosures.
"No! You CANNOT go there!" I yelled but it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears because suddenly I found myself being dragged by the leg. Crap!
"Hey Sorin! No! Let go! Now! Oi! Shoot! My radio!" I yelled and scramble to get back my radio but Sorin was stronger and I ended but being dragged away with no means of calling for help. I mean let's face it. Even if I did scream until my lungs and throat bled, no one would be able to hear me over this crazy storm. So I let myself get dragged away.
Of course not! I struggled but Sorin had a good grip on my pants, I got smacked in the face like a billion times by the vegetation, knocked my head and arms on about the same amount fallen logs and small pebbles. I kicked and struggled but that just ended up with me getting more bruises. Then as sudden as he had grabbed me, he stopped.
"Owwiee..." I groaned, trying to get myself into order when I noticed that we were not alone. Joining us were a whole bunch of other raptors. Oh Crap. I was about to become dinner.

My Human was hilariously trying to keep her footing as we walked towards our new home. I would admit that the weather was not very friendly but I was as happy as I could ever be. My human was actually willing to follow me to our new home. I was so exhilarated that I did not notice that my human was heading towards the enclosure. When I did, I quickly cut her off.
However, she did not seem to be very pleased about that and asked me to move aside. So cute! Did she think that we were still going to stay in that hellhole when we can be out here in a more open space! When she tried to move pass me, I stuck out my tail to block her path. Could she not tell that this was not the direction that I wanted her to take but she just got angrier and shouted at me to stop playing. I threw her gently in the correct direction, trying to tell her that I had not intention to play right now. Why would she ever think that? Unless... she was actually going to...
I could not believe it! My human did not actually want to go with me. She thought that I had just simply escaped from the large metal cage and now she was going to bring me back there! Was she going to leave me once she brought me back there? I could not take it anymore and lunged forward, grabbing a whole of her leg and took off in the direction of the new nests. I ignored her cries of protest. I did not want to hear anything; all I knew was that I was not going to let her go.
It took about ten minutes to reach the nest. Our entrance caught everyone's attention and they all crowded around here, curiously and some even cautiously. My human slowly recovered from my less than polite treatment, but I had no choice, and she took a look around her before shouting and backing away from the raptors' surrounding her.

F***! Oh bloody crap! Where was my gun? I fumbled while keeping my eyes on the raptors that had surrounded me. Oh what a genius I was to think that I could make friends with a raptor! My gun! It was not there! My blood ran cold, oh crap, I was in deep shit right now. I sincerely hope that my death would be fast and painless. I am sorry for all the pranks and things that I will not be able to do now.
I sat there with my eyes crunched for what felt like an eternity for the feeling of needle sharp needles to pierce through my flesh but it never happened. Cautiously, I opened them to see that circle of raptors had went about to do their own things, like tend to their chick. Ooo....okaaaaaaay... I was so not expecting that. What ever happened to cold-blooded hunters?
I blinked a few times to make sure that I was not dreaming but everything was as real as I was seeing it. The raptors were all not bothered by my presence and Sorin was with another raptor, the female alpha by her appearance. Now was like the best time for me to get away before they change their mind and decided that I was dinner. I did not get up and tried to crawl back into the surrounding vegetation.
Slowly does it, I kept repeating in my mind. I was almost there when suddenly there was a loud thump behind me and I was dragged backwards. I screamed and kicked out and managed to land a hit. I quickly scrambled up and made a mad dash into the forest.

Why was she closing her eyes? Was she scared? That must be the reason why, I mean she was reeking of fear, not that I could blame her, my pack were all crowding around her. I gave my pack a hard stare and they all backed off, save for my mother who called me aside as she wanted to talk to me.
"Yes mother?" I asked.
"I see you had to drag her here." She said.
"Yea. She was not so willing." I ground out, thinking back to how she wanted to lead me back to the cage.
"How do you plan to integrate her into this life? She will surely try to run away, back to her own kind," She asked. I was going to answer her that I truthfully did not know how, when I noticed that my human was crawling away. I leap behind her and grabbed her but she kicked me to my surprise and I let go. That was when she got up and made a run for it.
"Well. That was interesting. Looks like you would have your claws full with her, little bro." Tama smirked while the rest of the pack all tried to hide their amusement, well Lucas and Lexus where the only two exceptions.
"I know!" I growled, before running off to get back my human.

With Simon and Josh

"Where the heck is she?" Josh asked, as they stood at the porch of the dorms. They had just gone in to call Rae but she was nowhere to be found. Simon just shrugged his shoulder as he stared at their surroundings. Who knew what was out there now since the dinosaurs where all free to roam. What was that over there? Simon walked forwards to investigate.
"Do you think any of the dinosaurs got her?" Josh turned to ask his current companion but found the spot empty and the said person was bending over something on the ground out in the rain.
"What's that?" Josh asked worriedly, as he also went forward. When Simon stood back up to face him. He saw what was hanging from his hand and he felt his blood run cold. Rae's radio.
"Oh! don't think.." Josh stuttered, unable to finish his sentence at the thought of his friend being dead.
"Who knows." Simon replied gravely, "We better hurry up and pick up the others." Josh nodded, rubbing his eyes before hurrying after his friend.

{ Author's Notes }

Keep in mind that I do not own this book and that I have fixed any spelling errors/sentences that don't seem right throughout the entire books

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